November 21, 2015

Canal dredging and Bridge Building


[28/30] This week I’ve been busy working on the market area at P22 on the Xanadu server. The canal dredging is coming along, but it’s a huge project so there’s still lots to do. So far Yetian (alliance member) has managed to complete the Northern end of the canal, and we’re working our way further down. As I mentioned before, right now the canal is only deep enough for boats like knarr and sailboat. It’s our intention to dredge it down to a depth so that the larger ships are able to pass. The shallow depth meant that I could easily walk between the market and my own deed with animals, the new depth meant that we needed a bridge. I’ve started a brick bridge over the canal, and have been busy collecting clay to turn into mortar so I can continue with the construction. It’s not difficult, but it does use a lot of raw materials.


[29/50] In the screenshot here you can see the shallow depth of the canal. This is what we’re working on lowering. To the left is my main deed (a bit through the woods) and to the right hand side is the market. A huge thank you to my alliance members for helping out with this project. Wouldn’t be able to do it without them.

[30/50] I’ve also started working on some of the decorative aspects of the market. I began a Vynora colossus closer to the water, and I’ve started placing some statues. I’m hoping to create some dye to help make them pop a bit more. Last week I also brought home a hell horse, I’d like to get a pair and start breeding them. I’ll just have to see how that goes. All in all, it has been a pretty productive week!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.