December 2015

Projects of 2015

UntitledI know I haven’t been as diligent about posting here as I should be, and I don’t have a very good excuse. Since we’re getting closer to 2016, I thought I’d talk a bit about the projects that I finished in 2015. Keep in mind that I’m still pretty new to knitting, at least in my eyes. I started trying to learn many years ago and I just never ‘got it’ – then in September of 2015 when I attempted again it finally all just started to make sense. My first big goal was to knit socks, which I have now completed 2 pairs of (and I love them). I’ve got another post lined up about my knitting goals for 2016, so I won’t get into too many more details about that yet. What projects did I finish in 2015?

A baby cardigan was my first ever completed project. It was done flat, and I had to seam it. I didn’t even know then that there were actually ‘types’ of seams, and the poor thing is going to be frogged because it just looks absolutely horrid and I can’t imagine a child actually wearing the item. The second thing I made was a baby blanket and it’s supposed to be in a basket stitch but for some reason my stitches are way off and things are crazy. Therefor it’s another frogged project. The yarn is beautiful so I’ll find a better use for it. Next up were a pair of fingerless mitts. Now, these were much better, still knit flat (I hadn’t ventured into knitting in the round yet) but they fit me and they weren’t half bad. Unfortunately they also were not seamed very well, and now they’re falling apart. I’d like to knit myself some proper gloves or mitts before too long.

Then came a batch of random dish towels. I learned my first lace stitches and practiced making my knitting even. I eventually gave those away to a friend. The projects that followed took on a much better look, as I followed up with a baby top, my first pair of socks, a colour work hat, and then a little mini lace headband. I still have each of those items and like them quite a bit. Then came a bit of a hat phase. I knit one minecraft hat for a friend of mine, and then another friend asked if I would knit her three of them for her family. Then came a lacework hat, and after all of those were done (and I swore off hats) I still ended up completing two more. A deer hat for my youngest brother, and a Star Wars hat for myself. I really enjoy colour work, that’s for sure.

Between all those hats I knit a tardis dishcloth, a cable scarf, my first shawl (mostly garter stitch, very little actual lace), and a spa day facecloth. 17 projects in total, using 5,157 yard of yarn. Not bad for someone who just started in September, I think. As always, please feel free to add me to your Ravelry friends list if you happen to frequent those forums. They’re absolutely fantastic, and I probably wouldn’t have knit half the things I did without the motivation and encouragement of the groups I joined, along with the amazing designers who have both paid and free patterns for people. It really is a great place for knitters and crocheters. Like I said, 2016 is just around the corner, and I have some big ideas in mind for what I’d like to accomplish – but that will have to wait for another post.


The Family that Farts Together, Stays Together

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I’ve been spending a lot of time playing The Sims 4 lately, it is after all one of my favourite games. Last night the family was up to their typical shenanigans. They had a bite to eat, the kid was trying to watch TV, the wife leaned over and gave the husband a big kiss – and she promptly farts, and wafts it his way. There’s nothing that says I love you quite like a big smelly fart (hence the green coming out the rear of the lady in the screenshot, I captured the moment just a second too late). Then Nelson (the son) proceeded to let his own stench rip, quickly followed by his Dad who completed the family circle of gas sharing. Thankfully there were no casualties in the family fart wars.

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The Get Together expansion means there’s a lot of opportunity for sims to (you guessed it) get together. I’ve created the “Knit Happens” club, and members come over daily to watch TV, read books, fish, and garden. Good times are had all around. I’ve even started building a club house out back with a door for members only. I hope to expand it in time, but since I’m playing without cheats they’ll have to raise money for it the good old fashioned way, through digging up crap in the back yard and selling it.

Of course the session wouldn’t have been complete without a neighbour coming over during club meeting hours to set the house on fire while trying to cook grilled cheese. I forgot that there’s no actual firemen that come in this version of the game, so the kitchen slowly burned while my sims danced around frantically until I discovered the “extinguish” feature. Whewps.

I stayed up way too late, and played way too long, but dang if I didn’t have fun doing it.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


Working Towards Flight


Things have settled into a nice routine in World of Warcraft. My ‘main’ character is still my priest, and while in the past I would spec her as a holy / shadow combination in Warlords holy is sort of .. not that great, so I’ve just been focusing on shadow and going with DPS. I ran all of the raids except the very last one over the course of the week / weekend, and got a few pieces of 685 gear, including a new staff. I upgraded the staff with valor, and next I’m going to try to get the flight ability because I really dislike running around, especially while everyone else is flying. There’s a very easy way to see what you still need for this achievement here. I need to complete ‘Securing Draenor’, Master Treasure Hunter, and Tanaan Diplomat. I’m going to try to get the treasure hunter portion done today since that’s pretty easy, just running around collecting treasures that are marked on my map, and then I’ll work on securing Draenor and Tanaan Diplomat.

I also have a level 100 paladin, and I have a retribution spec there but I’d also like to create a tanking spec and maybe give tanking a try. I’d rather do this with friends, so I may try to ping some over the weekend who are playing horde and see if anyone is brave enough to group with me. The paladin is just wearing 640 gear, so there’s a lot of upgrade potential.

Next up is my level 96 hunter. She’s been stalled there for quite some time. I’d like to reach at least level 98 because that’s when she can unlock the next part of her garrison. I tend to procrastinate and haven’t gotten anywhere with her in quite some time, though I do log in daily for crafting purposes.

Trailing behind is my 91 deathknight, and 90 monk. I have barely played either character since WoD released, though they do both have a garrison started. Once the hunter is at 100 I may start leveling them up, but I’m unsure. I’d also like a shaman, but mine is 97 and on the alliance side which I haven’t visited in quite a while, along with my warlock.

I certainly can’t say that there isn’t anything to do. Between leveling, questing, trying to get flight, and pet stuff alone my game schedule is nice and full. That doesn’t even take into account my ‘other’ interests like collecting pets, mounts, and recipes. I’m still delving into EQ2, EVE, Wurm Online, and even a steam single player game from time to time. It’s nice to be a gamer.

Just Trying to Fit In


Playing video games in a lot of ways is still like high school to me. There are cliques everywhere, and being the awkward introvert that I am, I find it really hard to fit in any place. I know a lot of people, but don’t dig down into personal stuff about myself, and we (“we” meaning the folks I know on various social media platforms) never seem to play the same game, and when we do, we never play at the same time. Then there’s the whole “I’m awkward” thing. I don’t really feel that I fit in and I never have. People used to ask me if I wanted to do stuff, but me  being me, after so many declines they’ve stopped asking. Trying to find a guild to fit in is a futile effort. I normally end up creating my own guilds with a tiny selection of ‘closer’ friends. Eventually we all move on to other games, having never grouped up or done anything together.

There are exactly three steady played games of mine where this isn’t an issue. One is Wurm Online. I’ve been in the same alliance for years now, and we get along pretty well. People come and go, but the core always remains. Today someone who merged with our alliance mentioned in chat “you guys are weird” – and I said yes, we were, but that I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s completely true, too. My Wurm Online alliance is completely comfortable, and I really treasure the people in it.

The second game is EVE Online. I’ve been in a guild there for about two years now if I recall correctly. I don’t play as often as I’d like to, and my time doesn’t always (ever) match up, but when I’m on and members of the fleet are on I feel comfortable. I don’t end up grouping up very much – but the fleet is alright with that, and they haven’t kicked me out. I like that. I like that they understand.

The third game would be World of Warcraft, and this isn’t because I already have a well established guild or friends playing. Nope, this is because of the LFR mechanic. Blizzard doesn’t let me feel left out of anything. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on something because I’m too awkward to fit in with a crowd. I did join a guild, but they’re completely anonymous to me and go about their own thing. They also never kicked me while I wasn’t playing, which I appreciate. I see friends on my bnet list doing their thing, and I sometimes wish we could all group up and play together – but I know that’s just not how things go for me. I’m always going to be that socially awkward girl who declines invitations but still secretly wishes she got them.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Pictures from Broken Age


Another steam game I’ve had in my library but I didn’t actually get around to playing it until this week. Broken Age is tons of fun, with lots of puzzles. I didn’t even know about the “all star” cast until after I went back to the steam store page to look at why I hadn’t played it before (it has voice actors Elijah Wood, Jack Black, and Masasa Moyo).


There are two character stories you get to participate in from the start, and I flipped back and forth between both of them.


He doesn’t look very impressed, I blame the cereal selection.


These adorable little guys were just so cute I wanted to HUG THEM ALL.


Looking over some little creatures that we want to save.

All in all, I had a great time playing. It’s no wonder user reviews mark this game as ‘very positive’. Can’t wait to see where the stories take me next.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer