December 2015

Time Flies..


Now that we’re getting closer to the end of the year I wanted to take a look at where I spent most of my gaming hours. For once I didn’t play a lot of MMOs. That being said, 2015 has been a great year for gamer’s no matter what type of game you found yourself playing, and honestly the number of choices this year has been fantastic.

I picked up a WiiU but it was probably my 3DS that saw most of my Nintendo playtime thanks to animal crossing and various Professor Layton games that I’ve had stashed away.

I didn’t ‘finish’ any new games, but I did spend a lot of time with Tropico 5 and my steam library. Normally I can go back through my history with Raptr and see exactly what games and how long I spent playing each one, but this year I decided to cut down the bloat and removed the program all together. I love tracking what I’m playing, but not at the expense of performance. I also spent quite a bit of time playing random games in my library that I had never played before, though ‘New Game Thursday’ didn’t last all that long (the thought was nice).

I also spent a good amount of time with Minecraft, and Wurm Online. Those sandbox games will always draw me in. No matter how hard I tried to settle down with a single MMO (Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, FFXIV, WoW, just to name a few) my wanderlust would take over and I’d find myself playing something single player instead (like Sims 4).

I’m always interested in seeing what everyone else is playing and how that differs from what I’m playing. There are some regulars I see show up December of every year thanks to the nostalgia factor, but for the most part friends I know are playing everything from RPG to FPS – and I like it that way. I love that we have so many choices, and that we’re not tied down to only one genre. What are your own thoughts? Let me know below in comments!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer