The Legacy Continues

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I was a bit worried that I had lost all of the progress I made on my latest Legacy family in the Sims 4 when I reinstalled windows after upgrading to an SSD – thankfully that wasn’t the case, I actually saved the files and just put them back when I installed, so I was able to pick up right where I left off. In that time EA came out with another feature pack, this time involving spas. I’m really hoping for a pet expansion before too long. I know Sims 3 didn’t get one until 2011, but I hope EA realizes that pets are an almost universal love. More waiting to see what comes next.

In any case, legacy family is doing well. You might remember I started with Jessica Little, and she met Alonzo, and together they had Emily. Alonzo died shortly after, and his tombstone rests outside the home in the backyard. It’s in a really pretty place, under a tree so his girls don’t forget him, though I am not sure how attached Jessica actually was. Emily is a teenager now, and has started discovering her true calling in life, which centers around art. She’s sold a number of paintings to collectors, and between her art and Jessica’s writing, they are living in a fairly comfortable home worth about $90,000. Neither of them has made much progress on the romance front, for some reason no one seems interested in Jessica (does she smell? Maybe..) and Emily is too young. In 9 more days she’ll become a “young adult” rather than a teen, and my legacy family goal can continue on. Remember the goal of the game is to have 10 generations in one family. That’s a lot of game time on the default settings.

EA also fixed one of my biggest problems. Each time I went to place an item from the menu, my entire screen would turn black. I would have to change the resolution of the game and then swap it back, and somehow that fixed the glitch temporarily, for that session. Now I’m able to swap without having to change the resolution or use some other workaround, which I am incredibly happy about.

The family is in a spot now where I don’t need to send them out every day to  harvest collectables just to be able to afford their next meal. I’m both happy and sad about this, happy because it was a lot of work that left very little room for anything else, but also sad because the game gets much easier from this point forward. Unless of course I donate all their money to charity or some such, which I am likely to do just because I can.

While Sims 4 doesn’t have nearly the same amount of content that I had in Sims 3, I am enjoying myself quite a bit. I’m eager for more content and can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Saturday: Video Game Roundup


I’m not playing nearly as many games at once as I used to play, but I still manage to keep pretty busy. I decided to do a weekly roundup of the games I’m playing with a little bit of a blurb about each one. I don’t really know anyone who plays only one game these days – so if you do, let me know! I’ve always been envious of those who were able to commit to just one game at a time. First up!


My alt leveling has been put on hold while a friend of mine returns to the game. Right now they’re making their way through Whitevale and I’ve been having a blast mentoring them. I’ve found soldier holdouts that I missed when I was passing through along with other collectibles. I’ve mentioned this a few times now, but I’m very happy that WildStar has a mentor system, and I think all games (I’m looking at you WoW) need this sort of system. It encourages me to play with friends and motivates me to explore zones I’ve already been through. I always found it sad when games give you zero reason to revisit an area after the developers put all that work into it. When a new expansion releases if you travel to the older zones they’re always empty. It just seems like a waste.

Diablo 3

Not exactly an MMO, but I’ve been playing this on the PS4 (my PSN is Stargrace if you’re looking to add me) and I’m having a lot of fun. Unlike on the PC, my hand never gets sore from holding the controller buttons down while I attack. I purchased the game some time ago but today was the first day I actually spent any time playing. I’m level 20 now, and I also had a mailbox full of legendary items for me to open. One really neat thing about Diablo 3 is that when you’re playing it you’ll occasionally get items to drop that get sent to your friends. They’re great ways to motivate them to log in! I had to be level 11 before I could wear the items but once I did mobs just melted away. I’m still trying to get a hang of the controls, but I’m not doing too bad. Since I haven’t actually completed the game on the PS4 before, I can’t play at a very high difficulty, but I’m hoping to ‘beat’ the base game and unlock the other modes. One thing that frustrates me is that this game is not cross platform, so even though I can play on the PC and on the PS4, my accounts don’t really interact together and my PC characters don’t show up on my PS4 or vice versa. I wish it were more like FFXIV in that regard.


I heard that crafting writs won’t be fixed until Tuesday and that has slowed my progression down a bit. My coercer is still sitting at level 28, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get 29 today or not. I think I’ll attempt it, but I’m taking a much more casual approach now, so we’ll see how it goes. I did manage to level up a few of my other alts to 10 since there’s no writs to do, but I’ll hold off before getting them above 15. I may take them to Halas to do the crafting quest chain that’s available there (it gives a nice selection of rares, and the ability to purchase the 10-19 advanced books). I’m still having fun playing, and that’s what really matters.

Wurm Online

I’ve been logging my priests in to get their max allotment of prayers each day, but I haven’t done a lot else besides that lately. My Najho priests are just over 42 skill, and it’s not until 70 skill that they’ll really open up as a priest. Then I’ll be able to cast strongwall along with genesis, two skills I’m really eager for. Once I’m able to strongwall I can fix the mine that I broke over at my main deed. I ended up mining straight and creating a drop shaft instead of mining up. An easy fix, once I get the proper faith to be able to cast the spell. I’ve also been working on my animal husbandry and breeding horses / sheep / cows / bison. I’m trying to get a few 5 speeds, but since my skill is only 50 at this time (on both Stargrace and Maivis, my Vynora priest) I typically end up with 4 speeds + one extra useless trait. I know it takes time, and I have the patience to see it through.


Besides the big names at the top, I’ve also spent some time playing Tropico 5 on steam (I’m Stargrace there, too, if you want to add me). The humor just fits with my mood perfectly, and it’s very relaxed and casual. I’ve also spent some time playing Terraria, working on my home and building up a supply of components for future projects. I think I would still rather play Minecraft but since I reformatted my machine not too long ago I also forgot to save my Minecraft world, along with the castle I had built, and that really deterred me from starting all over again. I’ll probably create another world before too long just because the game is so dang fun.


That’s it! Those are the games I’m currently playing and what I’ve been up to. I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend so far, and that you find yourself with at least a little time to play a game or two that you adore. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Hanging Out in the Cities


The coercer is level 28 now, but it was a difficult run. I hadn’t earned very much vitality last night so even though my UI told me I had enough to make it to the next level it ended up running out about 70% of the way through my level. I decided instead of grinding without vitality (it really is the slowest thing ever at 0.2% per kill) that I would work on uncovering the rest of Thundering Steppes. When that was completed I headed back to Freeport to check out the market and pick up a shiny collection or two that I hadn’t completed yet in the hopes that I could earn the last bit I needed. That ended up being no problem at all, and I found myself 16% of the way into level 28. Shinies are lovely, but they’re also very expensive because lets face it I’m certainly not the only person doing these collections. As the player base rises up through their own levels and populates the zones, the collections get cheaper (because so many people are harvesting them and already have the pieces they need).

I had been looking forward to working on my carpenter skill a bit, but at the moment writs are broken and they’re not rewarding any coin – which wouldn’t be such a big deal except that it includes the cost of fuel not being returned. Fuel gets expensive. It could be that this change is intended in an effort to offset the few quests players were abusing to rack up lots of coin, but it punishes those who were not making use of those systems and who were only trying to level up their professions or guilds. Instead of working on my already-established crafters I plan on leveling up a few more to 10, since you don’t get any writs at all until 15+ and you don’t get rush order writs until 20. Next on the list is my illusionist who is going to be a provisioner. I go through a lot of food and drink (since I’m online a lot, it’s no real surprise) and I don’t like having to buy it all of the time. Plus it’s just a handy craft to have.

One thing I have really enjoyed since playing on the progression server is the fact that there are no guild halls, so everyone is out in the open. The cities are busy, ALL cities are busy. I see people everywhere and I love it. That’s what was missing for me in the older versions, and I’ve said it a few times now – games need a central location for players to gather and meet up. It’s important that we “see” others around. It makes the world feel more robust and populated, which is a great thing.

Have any special plans for EQ2 (or any other game you may be playing) this weekend? Let me know in comments, and happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Quest of the Week



Me and Mooshga, we go way back. Hanging out by the city of Freeport gates, this lady works tirelessly to cook awesome food and drink for players. Help her out enough and you’ll be rewarded with coin, experience, food, drink, and in the end you’ll become her very best friend and earn yourself a title. The quests start at around level 10, and you’re required to head to Dog Pond to kill some carrion hounds, which will then be made into jerky. Yum. In total there are 9 quests to her chain, leading from level 10 to 20 (and eventually leading you into Nektulos Forest). I love these quests and I typically end up doing them on all of my Freeport characters just for the Nostalgia factor. Looking around the Commonlands it appears that I’m not the only one who enjoys the quests either.

Coercer is sitting comfortably at level 26, which I’m hoping will mean 27 later on this evening. I also inched towards 24 carpenter, but wanted to earn some vitality first. Leveling without vitality is incredibly slow. While I was earning vitality on my main I played the alts, my shadowknight actually found a level 6 master spell in Darklight Woods! I ended the day at level 7 on that character, and level 10 alchemist. My wizard is going to be my sage, and she also reached level 10. If you’re wondering why you don’t have vitality when you created your characters some time ago, remember that you need to be level 4 before vitality shows up. You DO still earn it even though you can’t technically see it. That means when you reach level 4 things should start to fly by (until you’re out of vitality, of course). The guild is almost level 3 which means (of course) that I have a very long way to go, especially in my guild of one. If you’re looking for a coercer to group up over the weekend feel free to give me a nudge! You can find me in-game as Stargrace, or just do a search for ‘Combat Wombat’ (my guild).

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What is “Progress” to you?


In most MMOs, the ‘goal’ is progression. Whether it’s progress in a story line, a character, or progressing a world or map, it’s there. What actually counts as progression differs person to person. A lot of us set progression ‘goals’ in games, things we’d like to see, do, or accomplish. It’s no different for me in EQ2, and I’m having a lot of fun making up my own rules as far as progression goes. Most of them involve crafting. I added my 8 alts + main to my guild, and they’re slowly all reaching level 10 in their crafting profession. I don’t imagine I’ll level all of them in their adventuring class, but crafting is something that I can easily do and find incredibly relaxing.

With that being said, not all of my goals are for crafting. My ‘goal’ for my main character (that would be Stargrace, my coercer) is to try to earn at least 1 level a day. When it becomes too difficult to earn that 1 level I’ll try to lower it to 50% experience per day. That way I don’t feel incredibly pressured to keep up with everyone else who is leveling, but nor do I feel as though I am falling far behind. It does put me slightly behind the curve in the fact that every 30 days the vote for a new expansion is supposed to pop up, but I’m hoping most of the server votes no, and we unlock every 90 days instead. 30 just seems way too short a time to blow through an entire expansion.

Then there are my smaller goals. Doing dungeons, heritage quests, getting achievements. Things that don’t necessarily mean progress in ‘typical’ terms, but are a form of progression for me. Completing shiny collections, being on the lookout for player-written books. Maybe I’ll re-create my library. My goals change from game to game  – but only some of them. Others remain exactly the same (such as leveling).

Do you need progression in a game in order to enjoy it? What forms of progression do you enjoy? Is it different for every game? Let me know below in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.