Time Flies..


Now that we’re getting closer to the end of the year I wanted to take a look at where I spent most of my gaming hours. For once I didn’t play a lot of MMOs. That being said, 2015 has been a great year for gamer’s no matter what type of game you found yourself playing, and honestly the number of choices this year has been fantastic.

I picked up a WiiU but it was probably my 3DS that saw most of my Nintendo playtime thanks to animal crossing and various Professor Layton games that I’ve had stashed away.

I didn’t ‘finish’ any new games, but I did spend a lot of time with Tropico 5 and my steam library. Normally I can go back through my history with Raptr and see exactly what games and how long I spent playing each one, but this year I decided to cut down the bloat and removed the program all together. I love tracking what I’m playing, but not at the expense of performance. I also spent quite a bit of time playing random games in my library that I had never played before, though ‘New Game Thursday’ didn’t last all that long (the thought was nice).

I also spent a good amount of time with Minecraft, and Wurm Online. Those sandbox games will always draw me in. No matter how hard I tried to settle down with a single MMO (Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, FFXIV, WoW, just to name a few) my wanderlust would take over and I’d find myself playing something single player instead (like Sims 4).

I’m always interested in seeing what everyone else is playing and how that differs from what I’m playing. There are some regulars I see show up December of every year thanks to the nostalgia factor, but for the most part friends I know are playing everything from RPG to FPS – and I like it that way. I love that we have so many choices, and that we’re not tied down to only one genre. What are your own thoughts? Let me know below in comments!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

A Different Type of Progression Server


I love progression servers. What I don’t love is how they immediately become a place for bots and armies of bots. I don’t mind if people box one or two characters, but when you’re botting (ie: using 3rd party programs to play the characters for you and to synchronize casting / attacks) 10+ characters it becomes a bit crazy for other players, especially when you’re on a progression server trying to recapture the essence of how the game was 15 years ago. I know there’s a difference between boxing and botting, and it’s mostly botting that becomes a hindrance, but regardless, Daybreak has decided to try to thwart these issues by releasing a “true box progression server“. They’re not going to prevent you from boxing if you really want to do it, but you will have to use a different setup than normal. You’ll only be able to play on one EverQuest account from your computer.

Other changes will also be implemented on this server including raid instancing, and content that unlocks every 90 days rather than by a vote. Daybreak’s goal is to encourage people to make friends, form groups, and to join guilds – this was all key back when EverQuest was first starting out (back in the days before mercenary and bot armies).

Will I be playing? I’m not sure. I have wanted to game but haven’t been able to settle down lately, which is proving to be an annoyance. I have a lot of ‘stuff’ going on in real life which I’m sure is the reason that I haven’t been doing a lot of gaming and I haven’t managed to settle down with a single game for years now. I miss those days and have even thought about challenging myself to stick with just one MMO for X number of months (single player don’t count) but I doubt very much I could manage.

When does this new progression server release? The server should go live December 9th – and you do have to have an All Access Membership in order to play on Phinigel as it’s being called. I believe my all access goes until July, so who knows, maybe you’ll find me there after all.




[47/50] It has been ages since I played ArcheAge, but a friend has recently returned to the game and of course the best way to get me hyped up and playing, is to be one of those friends. Of course not owning property has always been one of the things stopping me from playing, and the ease at which you can lose said property. Plus, I’m not really that big on PVP.. why do I want to play again? Oh, right.







[50/50] With that final screenshot, I complete my IntPiPoMo of 50 screenshots for the month of November! A very bright and colourful month here at MmoQuests. A big huge thank you to the organizers, and I’m looking forward to participating next year, too!

Missions, Missions, and more Missions


[44/50] EVE Online is probably one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. Pair that with the amazing soundtrack, and it’s no wonder I can relax so easily while playing. I’ve been working on fixing my Caldari State faction, which is really not an exciting task, but I need to get it done so that my R&D agents keep working with me.


[45/50] Working missions does send me out to some pretty beautiful locations.


[46/50] Now all I need to do is figure out what ship I want to work towards next. Maybe a drake? I prefer building the ships myself when that’s possible, but I haven’t really looked at what I want to fly since I obtained the Tengu. Or maybe instead of any of that I’ll start mining again, it has been ages since I’ve really done that, which tempts me to start up my second account. I do have a plex just sitting around collecting dust.


The Tickle of WoW


[41/50] It has been a while since I played WoW in any capacity. I let my account lapse a few months ago and moved on to other games. I really haven’t enjoyed the past few expansions, and actually spent most of my time going back and doing old raids more than anything else.


[42/50] The lure to play is still there. I really enjoyed pet battles and I really liked going back through older content. The problem was (and always has been for me) garrisons. Splitting the population into these instanced homes where no one ever talks to or sees another actual person in the game world. With the ability to access brokers, bankers, and crafting, there was no reason for me to step outside and mingle or interact with anyone else and I absolutely did not enjoy logging in simply to do my garrison quests out of obligation. I’ve never belonged to a very active guild, and it feels like it would be too late in the game to get involved these days. Plus I’m pretty particular when it comes to guilds, finding one that’s a good fit (both for me and them) is a long process.


[43/50] I’ve resisted the call so far, but we’ll see how long that lasts. Legion has some exciting things coming with it, and I was tempted to pre-order because the level 100 boost could come in handy (I already have a few level 100 characters, so I’ve seen the content) but if I’m not even playing there’s no reason to get it RIGHT NOW and I’m sure I’ll still want it when we’re closer to release.