Oh Look, a PLEX!

Finding games that are easy to step away from at a moments notice has been one of my main game criteria since Leo was born. WoW doesn’t really fit into that category unless I’m doing nothing but pet battles, EQ2 fits fairly well as long as I’m just crafting or running quick instances – and lately I’ve (once again) felt the tug of EVE Online. The game has recently adopted a version of free to play that I was keen on checking out (also called having an alpha account) and I had a feeling I had a spare PLEX kicking around in case I wanted to upgrade to Omega.

I think I had logged in for a grand total of 10 minutes before I decided to activate my PLEX. I couldn’t fly my Tengu or train any of the skills I had been working on previously without upgrading, and honestly, why not. I have enough ISK to purchase another PLEX or two in the future if I want, and maybe I can earn enough cash to cover a subscription for the year or something. We’ll see how it goes.


As always, first thing I had to do was figure out what I was working on and why I was in the station I was currently in. Failing to do that I moved straight to my R&D agents, and decided to work faction because one of my agents is still only rank 1, and they give my most important datacores. So I flew out to the Amarr Empire, and started working distribution quests for Kaalakiota. My other R&D agents are at least rank 3, with one being rank 4, so I’d like to catch up the one that’s slagging behind. It’ll mean a lot of missions, but hey that’s something to do (and I really enjoy running them most of the time).

I also hopped into my hulk for a little belt mining while I was nursing, and noticed that my hulk has one less high slot than it used to before (the strip miner I had equipped in there was red, and when I removed it the slot was gone altogether). I’m not sure when that change happened, but as I told someone yesterday, changes happen in games and for the most part they don’t phase me, I just need to learn to adapt and adjust.

I also joined the Help channel so I could quietly lurk and learn more about what’s going on. I see a lot of talk about citadels, reduced tax rate, and selling PLEX 1 jump away from JITA to take advantage of that reduced tax rate. People were (for the most part) pretty helpful and answered all sorts of questions, so I imagine I’ll be able to learn quite a bit as I dive back into things.

I wasn’t exactly sure where I left off with my skill training, I’m just over 34 million points, which is not that much these days. I decided to finish up my ore processing skills. Once I’m done faction work to my hearts content I’d like to get back into some mining, as well as some production. I haven’t actually checked on my planetary interaction in months so I’ve got no clue what I was doing or where to pick up with that, but I’m sure I’ll get there with time (as long as I give it a little time).

It feels nice to be flying the skies again. We’ll see how long it lasts (normally this is something that is more of a money issue than a time issue). I’m also still in EQ2, alternating between the two games when / where I can. Leo also loves to watch me fly around in my ship – I can’t wait until he’s a little older and a bit more interactive with the games I’m playing.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Epic 2.0

People have been in a frantic dash to figure out the latest epic quests in EverQuest 2 – the Epic 2.0. There’s a few details that I’ve heard (and seen over on EQ2i) that have some people upset. I have been listening to the chatter in the EQ2 discord channel because I am no where near ready to begin this massive undertaking.

You need to complete city quests in Freeport or Qeynos (depending on your alignment). You also need to be a level 100 tradeskiller. Since I want to do the 2.0 on my latest character (my brand new necromancer) that means I have a while to go. I’m only level 35 at the moment in my crafting.

You also need to be level 5 ascension before you can even begin, and that takes approximately a month of grinding every single day. There are rumours that you need to be level 10 ascension level before you can complete the epic, which means three months of grinding every single day. Perhaps this is a way to keep people subscribed and playing your game? Not sure.

I know the mage epic involves a KP named that others are killing to grief mages, and people are unhappy about that. The tradeskill portion cannot be commissioned, and the non-tradeskilling players are upset about that. I imagine crafters are going to be upset too because they would typically make money off of the adventurers who didn’t want to craft, and now everyone who wants their 2.0 will be forced to do it. I don’t like the idea of forcing crafters to adventure any more than I like the idea of making adventurers craft. Some people just like to do one or the other (or neither). Allowing people to ‘play the game their way’ is much more important to me.

Still, 2.0 has people pretty excited, and I like to see that. I haven’t seen any completed ones yet, so it’ll be interesting to see if it’s all worth it in the end.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


Yesterday was a really tough day. My little guy has been going through colic and yesterday was one of his more difficult days with it. Colic is just another word for ‘unexplained crying’ – where you’ve taken care of the basics for your little one, and they still cry, for what seems like no apparent reason that you can figure out. Burped. Bathed. Fed. Changed. Bounced. Walked. Talked. Sang. Swung. You try all of the tactics in your arsenal and for whatever reason your baby decides to keep on wailing. Sometimes for hours.

So that was Leo.

Then I found out my hematoma that I’ve been dealing with since September is once again infected. To be blunt this absolutely wrecked me. I’ve been trying so hard to heal up and get rid of this wound that I’ve had since my c-section that it just made me burst into tears to see it this way again. It took me three weeks last time to have my doctor finally prescribe some antibiotics and I’m not sure I even have the strength to go through that argument with him again. I have nurses coming tomorrow to look at things (they’ve been coming every two days and then twice a week ever since it happened) and I’ll see what they say.

To say I was in low spirits would be an understatement.

Then I received a very nice letter from a random person on steam, and along with it a game from my steam wishlist. This person had “known” me since I started writing about EQ/EQ2 many years ago (2017 will be my 11th year) and they wanted to let me know that they appreciated my posts. I don’t write a lot of controversial stuff, so my posts tend to remain without comments or discussion but I have always simply written for myself and the simple joy of writing. I have met some wonderful people through my blog over the years, and I have received my share of whispers and tells and notes from those who have followed along.

This note (and game) came at a time when I was feeling pretty low about things. We had heard that Carrie Fisher passed away, as well as the Author of Watership Down. 2016 has not been a kind year. In 2017, I’d like to see more kindness. To ourselves. To each other. To strangers. It’s kindness like the one I mentioned above that keeps people going, keeps them believing, keeps them pushing on when their day to day lives may be difficult.

It’s pretty easy to be kind in a video game setting, and that’s something I want to do more of moving forward.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Epic Repercussions (again)

My necromancer hasn’t been around for very long but I already have a list of things I wanted to complete on the character starting with my fabled epic which I completed a few days ago. The necromancer epic is incredibly simple. It requires no factions and just a handful of old dungeons. Once I had the fabled, I went to the mythical. That one required Protector’s Realm, Leviathan, and Nexona from Veeshan’s Peek. I mentored down and completed them all solo without too much issue.

After that it was time to start Epic Repercussions, and that quest probably took me the most amount of time, but I got it completed this morning. Now the necromancer is set to begin her 2.0 whatever that entails. Since she’s “new” there’s lots of faction and language work that I haven’t done on her yet. I also want to work her up as a provisioner. I do already have a level 100 provisioner but she’s on Maj’Dul which isn’t much use to me these days.

I leveled the carpenter to 100, bringing my crafters to 5/9 at level 100.

Next up? Probably working on the signature line for the previous expansion. There’s an ethereal I can get if I complete both that signature line and the one for Kunark Ascending. I’m not sure how long it is or how complicated but hopefully it’s not too bad. I’m still using twark gear in my off-hand, so completing this and getting the ethereal would be really nice. Then it’s back to faction work in KA.

Busy busy!

A Response to a Response (or Time Management)

This post is in response to one I read over at Inventory Full and it probably won’t offer any useful information at all, but I did want to explain how I manage my time these days in order to be able to complete what I can in EQ2.

I “play” roughly two hours a day. I put quotes around play because I’m actually in game all day long. I have EQ2 set up on my MacBook Pro which I keep beside the couch, and the couch is basically where I live as I nurse the newborn / his change table is nearby / Netflix is nearby / etc. So when I’m nursing or doing something else I can still watch chat and while I may not actually be moving my character around, I can type on-handed, or my husband can drag me around an instance and I can hit accept for loot. I don’t consider this actively playing though.

What it comes down to is time management. It takes approximately one hour to grab the quests and run through every solo and advanced solo dungeon in KA (it takes myself as a necromancer and my husband as a wizard this amount of time, your time may vary). That leaves one more hour for whatever else happens to catch my fancy that isn’t group related, because on Antonia Bayle at least there’s no way I’m going to find a group in that time or complete a dungeon. Normally I just end up crafting or running through older instances. There are so few people on Antonia Bayle that the Jarsath Wastes PQ has failed multiple times now since the recent changes (the statue stays kneeling for less time than before). I do still manage to complete the PQs a few times a day though, since I’m logged into the game all day long and they respawn every two hours (approx). I complete each of them maybe three times. I typically leave my character in the guild hall transportation room or in JW / Fens in order to be right where the action is when it goes live. I can do all of that one handed, or have the husband move my characters for me.

Do I think the expansion was worth the cost? For the basic version, yes, I certainly do. I’m getting more than my monies worth out of it and I think the value is great, especially because there IS a lot of content – it’s just content that you have to repeat, every day. How many times do you want to run through the exact same solo / advanced solo dungeons before you get bored of it. The signature line takes my characters two or three days to complete, and I have 7 level 100 characters. I was also disappointed that Daybreak didn’t add any bonus experience or any Frostfell sales over the holidays, it just felt very un-festive.

That being said, there’s lots of things I’m not currently working on that I should / could / will one day work on. I need to complete the Thalumbra signature line on a few characters still. I kept up with crafting on that one, but not adventuring. I still haven’t completed all of the Frostfell quests. The Mushroom Grotto event was a bust (for me) since it doesn’t last enough time, and of course the holidays are busy for everyone.

With the spare time that I DO get in game, I make sure I know what I’m doing and I run off and do that right away because I don’t know how long that time will last. Lately that includes farming one very specific solo dungeon when my timers are up because an item there sells on our server for 150k (charm with 1k potency). I could really use that sort of cash.

Anyway. That’s how I’m spending my time these days. Again please do feel free to drop me a hello in game! I’m on Antonia Bayle as Stargrace / Quails / Mousical – it may take me a few to respond if I’m not actually around but in most cases I have no issue watching the chat scroll by. Helps to make me feel a bit more human instead of a constant milking machine…

Happy gaming! No matter where you find yourself.