January 8, 2016

Look Ma! Old Raids!


Today I was one of ‘those’ people. You know the ones who are not paying attention during a pull and instead they’re taking selfies with their bffs. OK so it was an older raid and I could have been dead on the floor for all of it and no one would have noticed, but I usually try to not be that person. The second I saw this named I wanted to take a picture with him. Normally for raids I go as a shadow priest, but today after my usual round I decided to swap over to my disc spec and heal for a while. It’s not that I don’t adore shadow, I do, but I get bored of doing the same things day after day, as anyone would. If it wasn’t for the Draenor faction I’ve been working on I would probably swap to another character for a bit. As it stands, I’m still trying very hard to complete my faction so I can fly.

The raids treated me well. They were in need of a healer and so I received an extra loot bag for each run. I made a tidy sum of cash and got some gear to send to alts. I’ve upgraded my garrison now and I’m only missing two buildings in order for all of them to be T3. One is the fishing shack that I work on daily (only 300 fish to go) and the second one is the Tavern, and for that I need an achievement which requires doing dungeons with other players. So far I’m not quite ready, though I really do think they’re much easier these days than they used to be.

I also ventured into Darkmoon Faire which I haven’t seen since their latest revamp. I earned myself a good number of achievements doing the racer events, and am at 11,000 achievement points even. I love that I can log in and play for an hour and feel as though I’ve actually accomplished something. Speaking of which, I earned enough money for another game token, so that’s my account taken care of until February 2017. I like saving up for a token each month, and I like that it’s an obtainable goal with my playtime. It’s still cheaper than it has been previously, seeming to bounce between 34k and 35k.

One thing I’ve really been slacking on is my barn. I just can’t seem to go out and collect the caged bits you need for the work orders. I’ve also fallen behind on my tailoring, I rarely ever get the supplies required. It’s something I’d like to focus on in the future if I can remember to at least.

All in all, just another quiet evening! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


New Needles, New Project

sharp_circular_needle_275mmYou may have noticed that I’ve redesigned the site slightly. After much debate, I decided to open an Etsy store and brand my knitting as “OK.Knits” (Okanagan Knits). I’m excited about this prospect even if I haven’t sold anything yet, it gives me some direction with my knitting. Items will be added slowly over time, with a few in stock of each. I don’t expect it will ever be an enormous money maker, but I am excited about the prospect none the less. I also have a facebook page dedicated to it, and a twitter account. Exciting times, no?

On the knitting front, today I received my 9″ hiyahiya circular sharp needles and I cast on almost right away. The beginner knit-along group that I belong to had a pair of vanilla socks up for a KAL this month, and hey who doesn’t need a third part of hand knit socks, especially since I have some very lovely yarn to go along with them. These socks are being knit with KnitPicks Stroll Glimmer (black), and KnitPicks Felici (Rainbow). I’m doing the cuff, heel, and toe, in the black, and the rest of the sock in rainbow. Unfortunately I’ve already noticed an issue with the felici, there’s some weird red bleeding of dye in the lime green portion (so far) but since it’s spread throughout the yarn it’s not something I’m going to worry about quite yet.

Knitting with the hiyahiya needles is an absolute dream. They’re incredibly light, and the cord bends very easily. It doesn’t catch on anything and I haven’t had any issues with my hands cramping up or anything like that. I’m very glad I got them, and along with them I got a pair of free stitch markers, thank you ACME Fibres! I’m very glad to have found a store that prices things in Canadian dollars and since she ships in envelops the cost isn’t a huge amount. I haven’t purchased any yarn from them yet since I have quite a bit of my own to work through, but I’m looking forward to it in the future. I did also check out the sales at WEBS (yarn.com) but their shipping costs to Canada are through the roof. I loaded up my cart with some of their yarn that was on sale only to discover that shipping costs would be equal to the cost of the yarn itself – plus it’s in USD, and with our Canadian dollar sitting at lower than .71 cents to the USD, it’s just better if I shop local, and shop within Canada.

So, with that being said, if you have suggestions for knitting / yarn related pretties, especially in Canada, either in the BC area or online, don’t hesitate to let me know in comments! Remember I’m still new so I’m always looking for my new favourite yarn to play with and promote while I narrow down my likes / dislikes.