April 2016

Finally, Progress!


After moving to the new deed, I have FINALLY finished leveling and surface mining the dock so that it’s flat, and real construction has started. This is the very first part, the three towers and two arches. To the left of the first tower a vynora statue will stand, and then these towers, arches, and the vynora statue will be duplicated at the other end of the dock. In the center will be the shipyard, with bridges spanning from the towers to the building.

I’m VERY excited to finally be at this stage! It feels like it took forever. It’s also using a lot of bricks, not just for my portion of the docks but for the town that Moumix has been working on up above. Maya is also going to start on another field along the slope, which involves a whole lot of surface mining. I think I’ll take a little exploration trip before too long, I’m going a bit stir crazy on the deed and I haven’t been exploring in a little while.

Pregnancy woes have meant that I’ve been cranky and short lately. I don’t really mean to be, but I decided it would probably be best if I just (mostly) kept to myself and didn’t interact that much. Not that I don’t want to, I love interacting with people, but I don’t like snapping at folks for no reason at all just because my hormones are wonky and dancing all over the place. It’s a sure way to find yourself on the outside looking in.

Leatherworking reached 40, not a great feat, but it’s nice. I’ll have to improve my gear again before too long, it’s still 35 or so.

Natural substance, on the way to 70! Excited about that one. Potions and dye are much easier now.

I worked jewelry smithing up a bit so that I could make a neat marble brazier to stand on top of the center tower – and I love how it turned out. That skill is 30 at the moment. Masonry (which is my affnity) is almost 85! No surprise there, I think I spend 90% of my wurm time making bricks, mortar, or building.

So what’s next? I haven’t the faintest idea. Exploring a bit maybe. Relaxing before starting on the rest of the dock area. Making more bricks. More mortar. Saving up so I can place a merchant… somewhere. I haven’t figured out where yet. My enchants are not the best, but I’m not looking for too much.

Anyway, that was my Friday! I hope everyone else had a better one than I did. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Live Map and other Mods


One of the neat benefits of Wurm Unlimited is that there’s an active mod community. Maybe not as large as some of the other communities out there, but they do a fantastic job. A lot of mods are server side, so unless you’re running a server you may not even notice that you’re using them. Some of the mods are client side, and while there are such mods that actually change how the game is played, those mods are typically not allowed by servers and the only mods that are allowed are visual mods that don’t change gameplay. One such mod is called Live Map. The map in Wurm Unlimited is a default one that shows “Ocrea”. If you’re using a custom map, chances are it will make no sense for you. Live map takes the in-game map and puts it into a mini window for you. It also works in mines, such as pictured above. The coloured marks are ore, the bright red square is me. The map moves around you, and you stay centered on the screen.

As you can tell by the dull red squares, I’ve uncovered a lot of ore. The black tile is slate, and the faint grey tile to the east is silver. I’m working my way towards some zinc, and then I think the only ores remaining are copper, gold, and marble (which isn’t an ore, I know). I finally reached 70 mining which means I can improve tools to that quality. Unfortunately out of all the ore I’ve uncovered, only one (so far) goes above 65 quality.

I also managed to reach 60 in natural substances – down side to that is I haven’t found a single source salt, which I need to make the leather working potions I have. I’m pretty surprised at how rare they are, then again I haven’t seen any hellhorses or hellhounds either, so I guess some things are just rare.

Since I’ve been working up mining I haven’t been working on the deed aside from working on the garlic fields and some animal husbandry. Now that my mining is 70 I imagine I’ll go back to working on the dock, I’m so close to leveling the portions I need and then I can get started on building. Do I have a vision yet on what I want to make? Nope. Not at all. I’m not sure if I want to plan it out in deedplanner or if I want to just wing it. We’ll just have to see.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Farming, Knarrs, and the Economy – Oh My


Pictured above, me tending the garlic fields. My farming is only 35, but Maya has been busy with school so I’ve been tending the fields and harvesting garlic so I can use it. The upper field is now a combination of cotton and wemp, though I could still use more garlic – it’s important to have other things, too. I’ll get there eventually.

Yesterday I bought a knarr from Mara for 12 silver. I know I could just craft one (eventually) but there are so many other things that I want to do in game I just couldn’t be bothered. People keep saying that Sklotopolis doesn’t have much of an economy, but I find that it’s the complete opposite. You just have to be involved in the community and pay attention. There are always people looking for items in the trade channel as well as the market posts on the forums. If you’ve got something to sell or you want to buy something you really have to advertise it. People are not mind readers after all.

The knarr is great. It can sail at shallow depths which is what I really wanted it for, and it has fantastic storage capacity. I’ll need to get some large creates made for it, but then I can travel around to different hunting places or explore the server a bit more and at least I’ll have some space to put items. I’ve slowly been working on the dock. There’s just one corner left to dig to rock and then surface mine. Each tile is between 50-70 mining actions and I’ve had to dredge quite a bit to expose the rock but I’m getting there.

I haven’t found anything interesting in the mine yet, but then again I haven’t expanded it that much yet. There’s just too many other things that need to get done. Moumix and Maya have been doing amazing things to the top tier of the deed. Moumix has completed a kitchen / inn building, along with the first crafting building, and a natural substances building. Maya dug out two farm fields into the side of the mountain we’re perched on and she did a fantastic job getting the animal pets set up with hedges. It looks great.

As far as the dock goes, I still have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do as far as design goes. I’m thinking buildings and bridges attached to towers, on each end, with a Vynora colossus in the center.  Ship building could be in the buildings attached to the bridges, and boats could park in between the two towers, in front of the colossus. So far that vision is only in my mind, so we’ll see where it ends up going (if anywhere). The one issue I have is that just out from the dock in the water is a whole lot of clay. Clay means that I can’t extend the docks out very far – I think right now it’s a maximum of 4 tiles before I hit clay. We could transform all of that clay into dirt, but wow that’s a lot of potions. I’ll keep thinking about it in the meantime.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!



What’s the Difference Between Wurm Unlimited and Wurm Online?


Wurm Unlimited is a stand alone client version of the MMO Wurm Online. You can set up your own server to play on privately, host servers for other people to play on, and all sorts of other goodies. There’s a one time fee to buy the game from steam, and then the choices are up to you. Some servers do have a fee for upkeep, or donations to help keep that particular server running, but there’s lots of choices out there.

So how does wurm unlimited differ from wurm online?

Well, there’s one big huge difference. In order to preserve the ‘mystery’ of players skilling up in wurm online, wurm unlimited goes by a completely different formula. In wurm online there is a thing called difficulty. It means that for optimal gains in a skill you need to be skilling on optimal things. You can’t (or at least shouldn’t) skill from 1-100 on the same thing. Lets take mining, for example. You start out working away on rock, move to a different ore as your skill increases, and continue moving up different types of ore.

In wurm unlimited skills are based on actions. The faster the action, the faster you’ll skill. In wurm online you would typically want two sets of tools. You’d want a low quality set which would draw out the action timer and make things very slow – this would be your skiller set. Then you’d want a high quality set, this would be so you could get high quality results. In wurm unlimited, you only need one set, and you want it to be the best set possible because you want those high quality fast results. That means to level up blacksmithing, you don’t want to go slow and improve tools. Instead you want to make the fastest item that gives blacksmithing. In my case this has been small nails. Uses the least amount of ore, and it’s very fast. This is how you skill up in wurm unlimited. Fast actions.

What other differences are there?

Well, it honestly depends on the server. There are mods and rules that each one takes into consideration and it all depends on the play style for that server. Some may have 5x faster skill ups. Some may start you off at a higher level so you’re not beginning at 1. Some may start you out with full gear and weapons. Others may include more cosmetic changes, texture addons, maps, and things like that. A lot of servers have gone the rout to removing priest penalties so that you’re not required to play an alt but can enjoy being a priest as your main character. In wurm online, these things are just not possible.

Of course then there’s the difference in price. If you want to be premium in wurm online you need to pay a monthly subscription and this can be a deterrent especially if you like having multiple characters (priests, as example). It adds up. Wurm unlimited is a one time fee from steam to buy the game, and then you’re set. If you’ve ever been wanting to try out a fantastic sandbox MMO – but are reluctant to shell out for a monthly fee, wurm unlimited is a perfect choice.

That’s not to say that wurm online doesn’t also have its merits. The servers are huge, there’s more single players in the MMO version than you’ll typically find on any of the player hosted servers, and because of that the economies per server is pretty firmly established. People are friendly, and you don’t (typically) have to worry about the servers randomly shutting down because xyz person is unable to host them any more. In other words, it comes with some stability and you’ll not be subjected to the whims and decisions of a random GM who may or may not have the best interest of that particular player base at heart (not that Rolf hasn’t made his own random decisions over time, but at least he works with a team of people who can let him know if a decision made is a particularly poor one).

Playing one or the other? Have a preference? Let me know below in comments – and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

We’re Slaying Drakes


50+ unique individuals gathered together today on the Sklotopolis server to slay a drake. It was awesome. I brought my main character along with my Fo priest to link up with the healer, Gatwick (my apologies if I spelled that wrong). Cennydd wished me luck, and secretly Mizova wished Melketh certain death. Corax wished the same, but knew that if Melketh went, he’d be next.

We lined up for pictures and screenshots, posing for the twitch TV channel that was being streamed by Devily. The dragon was just a hatchling, almost like a large dog, and was lead to the fight spot easily enough. We all swung our swords at it. Nothing happened. Not even a scratch.

So we swung harder, while laughing nervously to ourselves.

Again no damage showed up on the drake.

Melketh cast smite – and finally we saw some damage done to the creature. We cheered inwardly but it was short lived as the dragon healed a portion and then all damage stopped again. We continued to swing, pondering if the dragon difficulty would be too much for our group – and suddenly, the creature just keeled over and died right in front of us.

We were confused, we had no idea what happened. Could it have been lag? The announcements said we’d killed the creature fair and square, but little other details were given. Once the beast was dead, it was time for loot to be rolled on and distributed. As I thought, RNG was not my friend and I didn’t win anything at all. There were 7 full sets of drake, along with a partial set given out though. A rare bone, a skull, and the body of the drake completed the giveaways. Afterward I attempted to find my way back home and only got lost once.. or twice. It was a pretty eventful day and it was fantastic to see so many show up. It was the first time I had ever seen a blue drake before, and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!