
See that map linked above? That’s Sklotopolis. See that red line that starts up north on the left hand side, and goes way, way, WAY down south? That’s BG Tunnel.

BG Tunnel is a work of art in Wurm Unlimited that I have never seen the likes of before. It’s not just a tunnel through a mountain. It’s a fully excavated tunnel, with sloped ceilings, fully reinforced floor / wall / ceiling, lit with lamps the entire way.

It’s beautiful.

If you’ve never seen a project like this before, I highly suggest coming to check it out. The hours that must have gone into creating this wonder must be astounding – and it’s still a work in progress. Riding through the tunnel on a horse will take 45+ minutes. Riding through on a large cart will take 30 minutes. That’s real time, not wurm time.

Seriously. Go check it out.

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