
50+ unique individuals gathered together today on the Sklotopolis server to slay a drake. It was awesome. I brought my main character along with my Fo priest to link up with the healer, Gatwick (my apologies if I spelled that wrong). Cennydd wished me luck, and secretly Mizova wished Melketh certain death. Corax wished the same, but knew that if Melketh went, he’d be next.

We lined up for pictures and screenshots, posing for the twitch TV channel that was being streamed by Devily. The dragon was just a hatchling, almost like a large dog, and was lead to the fight spot easily enough. We all swung our swords at it. Nothing happened. Not even a scratch.

So we swung harder, while laughing nervously to ourselves.

Again no damage showed up on the drake.

Melketh cast smite – and finally we saw some damage done to the creature. We cheered inwardly but it was short lived as the dragon healed a portion and then all damage stopped again. We continued to swing, pondering if the dragon difficulty would be too much for our group – and suddenly, the creature just keeled over and died right in front of us.

We were confused, we had no idea what happened. Could it have been lag? The announcements said we’d killed the creature fair and square, but little other details were given. Once the beast was dead, it was time for loot to be rolled on and distributed. As I thought, RNG was not my friend and I didn’t win anything at all. There were 7 full sets of drake, along with a partial set given out though. A rare bone, a skull, and the body of the drake completed the giveaways. Afterward I attempted to find my way back home and only got lost once.. or twice. It was a pretty eventful day and it was fantastic to see so many show up. It was the first time I had ever seen a blue drake before, and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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