April 2016

Mining and working on that Fo priest


Moumix completed the corbita and I’ve been working on my mining, clearing out the ore from his already established mine to bring down south (even though we have a mine there, too, it’ll be nice to have ore ready). Today I’ve been working on my Fo priest, I’m trying to get her to 60 faith. I’d also like to work on her animal skills but that will come with time.

Charm wore off of the champion wolf pretty quickly, and I don’t want the wolf to be charmed when she gives birth because then the baby wolf will attack her and will die. Sort of defeats the purpose of breeding wolves that way. I do want 60 faith though so aggro creatures don’t come after her, the wolf is currently in my farm land which means I’ll need to avoid the pen when she’s untamed until I reach the faith amount required.

Meditation is another thing I’m (slowly) working on. The cool down timers for path questions are shortened by 80% which makes a huge difference. Both of my characters are on rank 5 of their paths, and have a bit less than a week to wait until they can move to rank 6. At rank 7 I’ll be able to start enchanting grass, something my horses will be pleased about.

Blacksmithing is at 48, just shy of making level 60 gear (I can typically make gear 10 levels above my skill) – I need to raise my mining to the same level otherwise I won’t be able to improve gear that far. Mining is moving at a much slower pace, I worked on some copper and zinc today and only gained 2 points which puts me at around 56 (slightly over). Ideally I’d like to reach 60 in mining before I start improving tools to 60.

I’m noticing more and more cliques on the server. People who carry over the ways and rules of WO and who are adamant that their way is the only way (or at least the only right way). It’s interesting to watch the ebb and flow, I typically keep to myself, answer questions where I can, and just watch the other discussions going on. There’s a lot of… genital waving (for lack of a better term) that goes on between people as they each try to one up the other with their stats from WO and other achievements like PVP and who knew who or who was around first and remembers the very first servers. That comes in pretty much every game, and I find it amusing when I see it carried over here, too.

I still have no neighbours even though I live pretty close to the spawn area. I imagine all of the deeds around me must be abandoned. I’ve reported one because there’s absolutely nothing built there, but the others I’m giving a bit of time. I’ve seen a lot of new players log in recently and one comment they all have in common is that it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of land around for them to settle on. I personally wish there was a better method of dealing with abandoned deeds – but I also remind them that they need to move further away from populated areas and they’ll find lots of places to settle.

Tomorrow? I work on… who knows! I never run out of things to do in Wurm Unlimited. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Charming Wolves in the Wilderness


Some players have been making note of a lack of mobs in the northern areas of the map, so they went down south to where everything has apparently been spawning together in clumps. Mizova and a few friends took down 600+ mobs according to them and it actually did make a difference because when I logged in this morning there were wolves, wild cats, and other critters all over the place. Everyone mentioned that they too had seen a sudden increase in the spawns around their areas – now that less mobs were hanging out together all in one place.

As luck would have it I stumbled across a champion wolf. I charmed it with my Fo priest, found a male wolf, and in 7 days I should have a little baby wolf wandering around the pen. I’ll need the Fo priest to reach 60 faith so that she’s not aggro to the animals, for now it’s not exactly safe to be around them. They do look awesome though. I’m hoping to capture two brown bears in the future to breed, you can hitch young and adolescent brown bears to your cart. Having some with a few speed stats would be ideal.

We’ll see how that goes.

Moumix, Maya, and I have also planted a community deed for the three of us down in the south. It’s enormous, we pooled our earnings together so that we could get it as large as possible. There’s lots of free room down there so we’re not intruding on anyone and we’re away from the hustle and bustle. In the mean time, I continue to work on my skills, I’ve been trying to get a few points in each skill each day. They raise pretty nicely so even though I’m doing a bit of grinding each day, it doesn’t necessarily feel like it.

I created a leather hat and some gear for myself, improved it to 35-40ql so it’s better than the beginner gear. I also improved all of my tools to 50ql, a great start. I’m hoping to be around 60ql before too long. Moumix is also constructing a corbita to move goods from the central deed down south. Ideally I’d love a knarr, but I don’t have the skills quite yet to craft one, I need tailoring and rope making for the sails and other components. I’m pretty excited about moving down south – it’s a coastal deed so it’ll be fun to make a big grand waterfront for boats.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Docks, Boats, (more) Buildings, and Even Some Pens


I live beside a very tiny lake and even though it’s very tiny I decided that my house needed a little dock to spruce it up, along with a building that could act as a shipyard, and yes, a little boat. The boat (a rowboat pictured above) is intentional, I needed to do some dredging and that’s the simplest way so that you can still see the corners of the tiles as you lower them. Everything built up pretty quickly, and the dock looks great.

In the meantime I noticed that my horses were stomping all over the farm fields I had planted, wrecking the plants and smashing them to bits. I decided that instead of re-planting all of the crops they kept stumbling over, I would build new pens to the side of the property. This required me to expand a few tiles (no big deal) and then I flattened the area and created some iron fences. I also made a few lights to help the property at night. I quite like how it all turned out. I don’t have a lot of room for animals, but that’s OK, this round it’s taking a back seat to other skills I’m working up.

Moumix came over and improved my mallet to 61ql, which I really appreciate. I in turn improved his metal tools to 50ql. I’m not quite at the point where I can make 60ql, but I’ll get there. I’ll need to raise my mining a bit so that I can keep the ore I need in stock. Since there’s always so much to do, it just hasn’t been a main focus (yet). We’ll see how that goes throughout the week.

Another happy day on Sklotopolis, in Wurm Unlimited!


And Down Comes Kyklops, Rare Bone and All


We gathered at noon PST, setting up our tents, riding our carts. A few wagons parked back at the camp so it wasn’t too crowded. In total over 33 unique individuals took part in the slaying of the Ancient Starving Kyklops. It was a long fight and there was a moment or two when I didn’t think we were going to make it. Both of my characters took 70% dmg from a single AoE hit. I backed off with the alt afterward and watched from the sidelines so that the stronger fighters could take part in the defeat.

In the end, the massive creature did fall. We all earned titles, and blood that can be used for leatherworking potions. There was loot to be rolled on, including a rare bone. RNG was not on my side (when is it ever) but I did congratulate those who won, and I did have an amazing time at my first server event. Everyone listened (fairly) well to the instructions from our fearless leaders and there was zero drama – all the more reason why I’m playing on this particular server. I think everyone had a great time, and I look forward to our next event like this. Dragons and other uniques can respawn on the server, but I would imagine it will be a while before that happens. Wouldn’t want too many rare items floating around, makes things a bit redundant otherwise.

Speaking of rares! While working on a sword (to join my large maul in my weapon collection) I managed to turn the item rare. I was very happy about that because as my luck would have it just earlier in the day I tried to cast a spell on my rare small anvil, and instead I shattered the damn thing, which destroys it. Sigh.

I’ll work my alignment and channeling up quite a bit further before I attempt any more casts on rare items I own, that’s for sure.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Altars, Fences, and Disbands – Oh My!


Another day, another round of Wurm Unlimited. After having spent most of the previous day mining, and uncovering zero useful ores in my mine I decided that the best thing to do would be to disband the deed and just leave a mine door up for the off chance that I wanted to return (for iron, or low quality copper, the two ore I managed to find). This would free up my alt to find a better place if I happened to stumble into one. For now both characters reside at my main deed, Quail Ridge.

I also stopped procrastinating on that wooden fence that needed replacing, and I knocked it down without too much trouble. I crafted a few 40 ql large mauls which means things take time, but it’s not too bad. Replaced the fence with iron instead of wood and as you can tell by the screenshot above, it’s much improved. I also knocked down my stone altar and replaced it with two gold altars. One for Fo, and one for Vynora. It’s hard to see, but there’s a meditation rug under them too. My Vynora just hit 55.5 faith, and the Fo is at 38.9. I’m eager for the Fo to reach 60 faith.

On a whim I had my Fo cast courier on my mailbox – and she actually succeeded in improving the 30 cast that was already there to 45. The better cast you have on your mailbox, the faster your mail will be delivered. I attempted a few more casts after to see if I could raise it even further – but I think that first cast may have just been luck, I failed channeling both times. I haven’t been grinding channeling, just casting the odd spell here and there, so that’s something I’ll want to work on eventually.

Saturday marks the Kyklops slaying! I’ll be bringing both my characters over to take part, hopefully I’m able to get a hit in on the mob. I know it tends to get crowded pretty quickly so we’ll just have to see how that goes. I’m very excited in any case.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!