April 2016

Hunt for the Elusive Iron


Along with basic resources like wood, water, and clay, iron is pretty far up there on the list. My deed is too close to water level to have a mine right there so up in behind along a mountainside is where I decided to start one instead. I put up a door, and even though it’s off-deed I’m not too concerned about it. I spent most of the evening yesterday working my way through rock, trying to find iron. After about 50 tiles, I still hadn’t found any. I was getting pretty frustrated, normally mountains are filled with different types of ore, but I was just having zero luck at all (as is my way, RNG and everything random absolutely hates me). Finally, when I was just about to give up hope, I stumbled upon a single block of iron. I’m pretty sure I did a dance of incredible joy.

I spent a few minutes mining some iron, lugging it back home, and turning it into lamps for my deed. I also improved my tools up to 25ql, 5 higher than their default 20. Each day I’m going to try to improve them a little bit higher, until I’m using fabulous tools.

On a more humorous note, I also made my first rare that wasn’t a resource. I had already gotten rare dirt and a supreme dirt, but I needed a storage container for my spare tools so I was creating a coffin when it went rare. The unfinished coffin glowed while it was on the ground, pulsating with rareness, but the finished product has no glow at all, and as far as I know there’s no benefits to this item being rare. On the plus side, I did get a neat achievement for creating the rare to begin with, so that’s something.

Since I have so much time to play these days I also decided to create an alt. The alt will probably be Fo or Magnaron bound, and only handle tiny little tasks. The issue I have is that I quickly run out of fatigue on my main character since I’ve been playing so often. I understand why fatigue exists, but it’s a bit of a nuisance to those of us who have more than your average surplus of time on our hands to be in game. My main character can regain some fatigue numbers while I piddle around on another character. Sure, I could just leave completely and play another game while it regenerates, but what would be the fun in that!

Eventually I’ll need to continue work on the deed. There are buildings to be completed, fences to be built, and meals to be prepared. I did get around to finding a maple forest and I walked home with about 50 maple sprouts which I planted right away. I love maple trees, they’re very colourful and beautiful. Once the land around my deed fills in I can’t wait to see what it looks like. I haven’t seen the seasons change on this server yet, but I assume that they do indeed change.

More updates tomorrow! Happy gaming.

Making a Deed a Home


Day three on Sklotopolis – and I’m still loving every minute of it. The server has busy days and days where things are more quiet, but I was probably a bit too hasty in my first assessment, as it was during a quieter time. That’s alright, I like both quiet and busy times! The players are friendly and helpful, answering questions in CA or in GL-Freedom (the server-wide chat) and I’ve made lots of progress in game. I’ve almost reached 30 faith which means I can convert to a priest before too long. I’ve also joined the path of knowledge for meditation, and I’ve answered the initial question that confirms you want to join, as well as the second question that marks you as an initiate.

I created bricks until I got to 30 masonry, not overly difficult because it’s my affinity along with the server experience bonus. I created bricks and mortar so that I could complete the first level of my workshop, and it’s looking pretty good.


Moumix completed the roads to and from the deed, so I can get to my mine easily. I’ve been working away in there in the hopes that I would discover some ore – but I’ve had zero luck with that as of yet. I’ve uncovered at least 15 tiles, and no ore. Maybe today my luck will be better.

Crops on this server are ready in a bit less than a RL day, and they don’t rot. As I mentioned before a lot of the changes that this particular server has implemented are convenience and don’t necessarily take away the essence of what I think Wurm is, but it does allow the more casual player to experience the game. I’ve earned enough silver by being online and killing mobs that I could expand my deed if I wanted, but I think for now I’ll keep it the small size that it is so I can focus on building my skills instead of getting too wrapped up in large deed projects. Plus I tend to play my deeds like I do my video games – in a very nomadic lifestyle. The smaller it is the easier it may be to pack up one day and move elsewhere on the server.

Yesterday saw a nice influx of new-to-the-server players, and each day I make sure to go and vote for the server. Word of mouth is a great way to get the news out, and I’m hoping the server continues to see growth. Remember, if you’ve ever wanted to play Wurm Online, but were restricted by time or the monthly fee, you can buy Wurm Unlimited on steam. Of course I’m a bit biased when it comes to this game, but hey we all have our favourites.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!