May 18, 2016

Seduce Me (The Otome)


I’m usually pretty selective on which Otome games I will play. Normally they come highly recommended from a friend or from reviews I’ve found online. With steam broadening their selection there’s a lot of (what I would consider to be) duds out there. Of course this means that I can miss out on some real gems just because of my selection process (and because there are just so many of these types of games out there).

The game Seduce Me is actually a free game on steam. There is of course a paid soundtrack if you’d like, but aside from that there’s no cost. The fact that it was free had me on edge to begin with, after all people like to be paid for their work. I was wrong. Very wrong.

The game is about a young girl who (thanks to her grandfather) gets involved with a group of incubi. The story is interesting, has a lot of humor, and it wasn’t too corny, which I appreciated. There’s even achievements for taking the different paths through the story and making specific selections. It’s also got quite a bit of length to it, and even though my first play through was cut short (I made some bad choices) by the time I was done that one play through it was 2h later and I was very impressed.

I dislike spoiling the story for anyone, so I’ll leave it with what I’ve said above. If you’re looking to test the waters with a visual novel and aren’t sure about putting money towards one yet, it’s worth it to take a glance at this one. Of course Otome games are not going to be for everyone just like FPS are not for everyone either, but I was pleasantly surprised.