June 14, 2016

Death Visits the Little Legacy Family

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It was bound to happen sooner or later. Death came for Jessica Little who was out in the garden, one of her favourite places to be. Why he’s hiding behind an apple tree with his ipad, I have no idea, but that didn’t stop him from whisking her off someplace else. I’ve placed the urn beside her late husband Alonzo’s urn (pictured bottom right) with a description of what she was doing at the time of death so that as I continue playing this legacy family I remember the little tidbits that make them all unique.

Before Jessica died her daughter Emily did manage to get married to a young man named Tristan Givens, and together they had a baby boy. Right now he’s turning out to be quite the little musical prodigy, although Tristan joined the family with no job and no skills to speak of. A real winner there. For a few weeks he wanted to be an astronaut but now he has switched careers into programming. Emily continues her painting career, and the family already misses the royalty cheques that they were used to getting with Jessica. In fact it was that money that enabled the family to build a few addons to the house, including the garden plot, a new bathroom, and an outdoor patio. Now they’re back to saving up for things although they certainly are not lacking in their enormous house (I believe it’s got 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms as it stands).

This means I’ve finally passed on to the 3rd generation of my 10 generation game. I believe I made it as far as 3 before way back when in the Sims 3, but I’ve never actually stuck with a family long enough to make it to the 4th generation (let alone the 10th). I’m hoping that eventually the family will be able to purchase a restaurant and have it become some sort of family business, but it will take quite a bit of funds to get to that point, and I’m not sure the Little family has that sort of discipline.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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