July 17, 2016

Pre-Legion Stuff, and Wurm Unlimited


Even though I haven’t been blogging nearly as much as I’d like to, I’m still here, still gaming in between rounds of real life kicking me down. I’m 25 weeks pregnant now and things have become a lot more real. Since I have no family or friends out where I live now I won’t be having a baby shower or anything like that, so I decided to post a public baby registry for anyone who wanted to help me out with some baby items. It takes a village, after all.

In gaming news, I had to cancel my EQ2 account since it was up for renewal this weekend and I don’t think I could afford it for another year. Sad times, but hey that’s what making grown up decisions is about. I’ve got over a year of game time on my WoW account, and Legion is fast approaching, so that’s where most of my gaming excitement lay these days. The pre-Legion patch comes out on Tuesday, July 19th and I am incredibly excited for a number of reasons. Most of those reasons involve transmog changes, I won’t lie.

I’m also still playing through games in my steam library, and that includes Wurm Unlimited, where I don’t have to worry about a subscription fee and still get to enjoy one of my favourite games of all time. I’ve been working on a new little deed that I hope becomes a dainty fishing village. Most of the towns I’ve created end up being large elaborate stone homes with very little ‘small town’ country feel. Whether or not I can pull that off with this new place has yet to be seen, but it gives me a project to work on at least. Pictured above is a new-to-me Champion creature that I ran into yesterday, thankfully with some help I was able to take it down.

Even after all of these years I couldn’t tell you what exactly it is about Wurm Online/Unlimited that draws me in. The community fluctuates, there are a lot of really wonderful people but then again there’s a few less-than-nice folk out there too. These days I’m keeping to myself and just doing my thing, it’s easier that way.

Excited about Legion? Playing some new game you just have to share? Enjoying the summer months? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.