
Impalong’s are glorious events hosted by players on various Wurm Online (and Unlimited) servers. For as long as I’ve been playing Wurm they have been some of the best events I’ve ever gone to, and the one being held on the Ages of Urath server this week (July 24th-30th) is certainly no exception to that rule.

Organized by Phoenix, and participated in by many (day one has Blindbow, Devildog, Likiller, Mailith, Nekoexmachina, Poxinbloom, Riven, Spartan, Thrax, Vazkor, and Xenopus just to name a few) it’s a time where new players (and old) can drop weapons and tools of all shape and size and have them improved for free to 70 quality. I headed down at the opening since the event is pretty close to home, and I’m still new to the server so I have lots of tools that could use some upgrades.

I dropped off a butchering knife and carving knife to begin with. These are classified as weapons, and my lowest quality items. Poxinbloom improved them almost immediately, and it’s a nice change from the 10ql ones I was using.

Next up was my regular tools. I dropped off an anvil, saw, hatchet, stone chisel, and pickaxe. I also dropped off a grooming brush for the carpentry bin. Not everything gets done right away, and the event does run for quite some time, so I’m sticking around helping where I can in the meantime. My skills are not high enough to be able to participate in improving other people’s items, but I’m helping out with converting people to followers / priests of vynora, proving a link if required for extra favor, and other odds and ends. There are some contests and events going on throughout the time that the event is running, and the area that the event is being held at is beautiful. It’s wide open with tons of room for everyone. Every category of imping has a section dedicated to it (carpentry, fine carp, blacksmithing, etc) and there are buildings for feasts, Inns for beds, and other goodies to discover.

None of this is possible without the dedication, time, and effort put forth by those taking care of the event along with the many people who are working on improving all of the items. I haven’t bothered getting any armor made (or improved) as I’m fairly confident that I can do that on my own, eventually. Having everything at 70ql is a great start though, and I’m having a fantastic time getting to know everyone. If you’ve been looking for a wonderful community in Wurm Unlimited, so far, Ages of Urath is one of the better one I’ve found.

As always, happy gaming!

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