August 12, 2016

Everyone is Playing


I’m pretty sure everyone I know is playing No Man’s Sky, whether it’s on console or PC. I love watching gamers bond together this way, but on the other hand it also makes me feel pretty left out. At $66.49 Canadian it’s an expense I just can’t justify with a little one on the way. There’s still a car seat, stroller, crib, and clothing to purchase before October rolls around, and finding work-from-home jobs just hasn’t been all that kind to me. I’m glad I have my priorities in order, but it’s always nice to be a part of the gaming excitement, too.

With that being said, I do have tons of games to play. My World of Warcraft account is taken care of until July 2017 and Legion is on the way. This gives me a nice social game to play without a lot of cost worries. I’ve got a number of steam games, and Wurm Unlimited (and the various servers) is always there too. So there’s other ways to get my social video game fix – not to mention games like Civ 5 (I know, a new one is coming, don’t remind me) Sims, and all the other single player games I enjoy a great deal. Still, the excitement of a fresh new game is sometimes painful to watch from the sidelines – especially if you actually share in any of the excitement about the game, rather than just the excitement that others are excited (does that make sense? I hope it does).

I logged into World of Warcraft last night hoping to at least get my two invasions done but the invasion zones along with city zones were out of commission and instead I ended up logging over to my priest to try to get level 30. After two runs through the gnome instance (which is one of the few instances I REALLY dislike) and a run or two through Scarlet Monastery, I found myself at a happy level 30. Still a long way from 100, but it’s not a bad beginning. I don’t know that I’ll get my new priest to 100 before Legion, but at least I know the character is there. Maybe I’ll get up the nerve to grind out some levels this weekend, we’ll just have to see.