Exploring #Minecraft Mod Pack Launchers


To this day, Minecraft remains one of my best game purchases. I bought it before it was mainstream for a total of $5 and it has since provided thousands of hours of entertainment – largely due to the mod community. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of different mods out there, and with them, different mod packs.

These days most mod packs require a specific launcher in order to use them. The three popular ones that I’ve made use of in the past include the Curse Client, Technic, and FeedTheBeast. I recently started using another one called ATLauncher. My issue with some of the others is the method in which they organize (or don’t organize) the list of packs available. It can make searching for the perfect one to try incredibly difficult. ATLauncher is amazingly simple, installation is even more simple, and going from downloading a server to playing on said server is something I didn’t have to struggle with at all.

One of the first packs I checked out was called Divergence. This is a heavy quest mod pack, with dungeons and a progression system. A really fantastic pack – except it doesn’t suit my play style at all. I don’t like progression type mods, and I don’t like having to follow a more difficult crafting path just unlock achievements and progress the quests. I quickly moved on to Revenge of the C-Team which was another fantastic pack with tons of mods and it was very unique in what it offered. To start off, there was weather going on and I’m not talking about your typical rain or storms, but a huge tornado type storm was forming overhead. Lightning and thunder was going off everywhere and it was amazing to watch.

Then I found this gigantic tower in the sky. I climbed to the top and started mining my way down. Each floor had 2 creature spawners along with a chest of treasures. There must have been at least 20 floors in all and when you got to the 2nd last chest it spawned a boss underneath that started fighting me through the floor (which is completely not fair by the way!). I eventually defeated him, placed enough torches in the tower so that creatures wouldn’t spawn, and took the place over as my first base. It was awesome.

Because of the ease in setting up servers with the ATLauncher, I decided to try one more. This one was called Resonant Rise Mainline. It includes a TON of mod packs, and of course when I logged in to my newly created world I found myself in a vast empire of.. taint. It was growing everywhere, out of control before I even got into the world.

One of my favourite new (to me) mods that most of these packs have is the ability for me to open a web browser with a live map of my game as I play. That means I can close down the mini-map in game (freeing up valuable screen space) and simply track it from my 2nd monitor. Plus I can take screenshots, and that’s awesome.

All in all I’m incredibly impressed with the scope of mod packs available on ATLauncher, and their creativity. They do include a few mods that I’m overly familiar with by now, but most of them are brand new to me, and that makes for some exciting game time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Why I Highly Recommend Jumping into PvP Pet Battles


I don’t enjoy confrontation, and I’ve never been a huge fan of PVP though I do partake (it’s probably because I’m constantly doubting my skills or lack there of). Where that doesn’t seem to matter at all because of the method in which battles have been implemented in is in World of Warcraft’s pet battles.

At the start I was pretty intimidated. My first attempt at doing pet battles (in a pvp sense) was during pet week when there’s a bonus to the experience earned. You get a token that instantly boosts a pet of your choosing to 25, and that’s a pretty awesome thing to have. I figured how bad can it be to win 5 matches.

The very first thing I realized is that there’s a lot LESS pressure than I thought because the whole thing is anonymous. You have no idea who the player is that you’re up against. There’s no names, there’s no chatting. It’s just like you’re fighting NPC except they’ve got a different way of doing things.

I started learning a lot about my pet set ups and thinking outside of the box as to what team would be best suited for random battles where I had no idea what I would be up against. The team switches from week to week, but for now I’ve settled on the unborn Val’kyr, anubisath idol, and soul of the forge.

I open with curse of doom, and follow up with haunt. This kills the val’kyr but only temporarily until haunt triggers 4 turns later. This gives my opponents a false sense of security, they think “hey, one pet already down!” – then I sandstorm. I try to time my deflection when their biggest moves are up, and crush in between. I swap pets and repeat the process when the unborn val’kyr is back in play, and spam flamethrower, and deep burn on the soul of forge while keeping extra plating up where possible.

Do I win every fight? No, of course not. But I win enough to earn a few achievements and to earn the quested token that lets me boost another pet to 25. It’s fun, stress free, and if you’ve been avoiding it because you’re not sure how the pvp aspect of it would be I highly suggest diving right in.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Countdown to Legion


Legion is right around the corner, and with all of the hype going on lately I’ve wandered back in game to play around with my level 100 characters and perhaps get another one (or two) to 100 before the expansion. I’m pretty sure I’ll be playing my priest when legion hits, but there’s always a chance I’ll decide on someone else instead. Priest is just what I’m most comfortable with, and the character I’ve dedicated the most time to (achievements and what not, even though I know those are account wide).

Even though I’ve had multiple level 100s for quite a while now, I still hadn’t gathered the courage to defeat Kazzak in Tanaan Jungle. Today I decided it was most certainly time. I got a nice cloak upgrade and a few felblight for crafting. Plus the achievement for defeating him. Before that I had been going through the LFRaid groups looking for ones that would reward me the goodie bags for queuing as a healer. I got a neat empowered apexis fragment from that which I’ll probably pass down to an alt to use so they can have a piece of nice gear too. My main is just slightly shy of 700 ilevel, and I couldn’t be more tickled about that.

Having fun in a game that I’ve played (off and on) for years now is important to me and I’m glad I can still get that same sort of joy from it. If you want to add me to battlenet, I’m Stargrace#1783 and while you’ll typically see me wandering through Azeroth there are times I take a dip into Diablo3 and other Blizzard games too (Overwatch maybe?) in time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Sklotopolis Updates


I know I haven’t been writing that much over the past few weeks (months?) but I have still been gaming. Today I’ll talk about what I’ve been up to in Wurm Unlimited.

I decided to drop the smaller deed called Quail Ridge that I had because it was quite far away from my ‘main’ deed and it was a pain to travel to. I prefer it out in the Southern part of the map where there’s less population, and I couldn’t really justify keeping a deed that was hours away. Instead I created Sybaris Stables, which (as the name shows) is an animal stable area. Mostly for hell horses. The GMs fixed the spawn issue we were having and hell creatures have begun showing up again. I ran out over the steppe and brought back 6 hell horses – but the guards like to attack them. They can avoid being attacked by being branded, but this doesn’t help the babies not be attacked, especially if they’re born when I’m offline.

The deed is the default (free) size of 10x10x9x9 and I spent the first day terraforming it so that it’s flat. I then added 12 2×2 pens for breeding pairs, 4 5×4 pens for crops + grazing animals like deer, a very small 3×3 house with the basics, and a larger pen for anything else that I may want. I surrounded the deed by a tall stone wall so that it’s protected from creatures outside (since I have no guards) locked the doors, added some altars, and ta da. Nothing fancy, but a great place to keep animals.

Aside from that, Sybaris Sales has opened. I’ve been creating tools and enchanting them (and weapons) and selling them to players. I also create dye and sell that. I’ve made about 25 silver so far which is a pretty respectable amount for being open only a week so far.

For some reason about two or three weeks ago, all of the community assistants quit playing. They went from 12+ hours a day (some of them) to 0-1 hours. I suppose that’s the issue with having CA all from the same alliance. Mizova, Corax, Melketh, and Mara, most notably. Every so often one will log in and say hi and there’s a rumor going around that ‘they’re all just busy’ but my guess is that they’re just playing someplace else together. There also hasn’t been any sign of Noskull, nor have I seen Devily, Yala, and a few of the others. The community does a fairly good job of running themselves, but it strikes me as weird. I wonder if there was a bit of drama or some such.

In any case, deed things are going well. Moumix is away for a work trip for the week so it has just been myself and Maya. I’ve now got four characters total in game, two Vynora and two Fo priests. It means I can cast LT and MS (though I don’t quite have the favour for MS) so that’s good. Otherwise, it’s just business as usual in game!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Seduce Me (The Otome)


I’m usually pretty selective on which Otome games I will play. Normally they come highly recommended from a friend or from reviews I’ve found online. With steam broadening their selection there’s a lot of (what I would consider to be) duds out there. Of course this means that I can miss out on some real gems just because of my selection process (and because there are just so many of these types of games out there).

The game Seduce Me is actually a free game on steam. There is of course a paid soundtrack if you’d like, but aside from that there’s no cost. The fact that it was free had me on edge to begin with, after all people like to be paid for their work. I was wrong. Very wrong.

The game is about a young girl who (thanks to her grandfather) gets involved with a group of incubi. The story is interesting, has a lot of humor, and it wasn’t too corny, which I appreciated. There’s even achievements for taking the different paths through the story and making specific selections. It’s also got quite a bit of length to it, and even though my first play through was cut short (I made some bad choices) by the time I was done that one play through it was 2h later and I was very impressed.

I dislike spoiling the story for anyone, so I’ll leave it with what I’ve said above. If you’re looking to test the waters with a visual novel and aren’t sure about putting money towards one yet, it’s worth it to take a glance at this one. Of course Otome games are not going to be for everyone just like FPS are not for everyone either, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Nomadic Gamer