A Balance Between Group and Solo

I mentioned in my previous post that I don’t have a lot of free time and that what free time I do have is pretty sporadic, so I can’t really LFG in EQ2 to any great extent. The thing is, I WANT to play more, and I want to do group content, and I want to experience all of that. I just can’t, at least not right now.

So how do I progress my character in the meantime?

Well, in Kunark Ascending that means a lot of solo and advanced solo dungeons. Over and over. I pass the gear to my alts, and when the alts are full I salvage or transmute it.

It means doing the signature line, getting my ethereals, and then working on ascension which is pretty easy because it just requires experience. Doing the public quests in Jarsath Wastes and Fens of Nathsar contribute a huge chunk of that daily.

Then there’s faction grinding (pretty boring) key quests (timed, I can’t always do these), and the crafting grind which includes more factioning. There’s collecting status and leveling the guild, and – well. That’s about all I’ve found to do, aside from some meta achievements like running old zones, collecting shinies, or trying to make coin. Truth of the matter is that without the time to dedicate to first finding and then completing group dungeons there’s not a whole lot I can do. This game isn’t like world of warcraft, with queues and LFRaid. It’s one thing I really miss about WoW. No matter how much (or how little) time I had I felt as though I could still experience a large portion of the expansion and I didn’t have to dedicate more than an hour here and there to it. In EQ2 there’s no way for me to participate in any raids at all and so most zones are places I will only see if they turn them into a non-combat zone (has happened a few times, Daybreak is pretty good at re-using zones).

Does this make me sad? Does it bug me that I paid for a subscription to a game where I can’t actually experience all of the content it has to offer?

Not really. I knew what I was getting into. I knew I wouldn’t have the time to dedicate to it that I might once have had. It won’t always be that way, either. In the meantime I’ll live vicariously through those who are doing the group content and go back to my crafting.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Holidays and Games

It’s hard for me to believe that 2016 is almost over. This year has been such a mixture of emotions that I honestly don’t know if I’m happy to be starting 2017 or if I’m sad to be leaving the year behind. Even though I haven’t been posting very frequently here on MmoQuests, I HAVE been getting some gaming in daily – in between doing the whole new Mom thing which eats up about 99.9% of my time. I’m STILL recuperating from my c-section back in September. My hematoma isn’t completely healed, and I still have home nurses coming to pack and bandage the wound. I had hoped this would be over by now but apparently my body had other ideas.

Leo is now 13 weeks old, 8 weeks adjusted (because he was 5 weeks early). He’s thriving, and growing by leaps and bounds – but it’s also a difficult time as he has pretty bad colic and suffers from gas, so he spends a lot of his days crying every time he wants to fart or poop. It makes for a very tired Mommy and Daddy but we hang in there.

This Christmas is the first where I won’t be doing many of my traditions because I’m just too tired and there simply isn’t enough hours in the day. I have no family here, so I don’t have any parties or dinners to go to, but I still have simple traditions I like to keep up. I didn’t get myself (or Leo, too young) an advent calendar, and because money is tight we only bought Leo two presents and we’re going to hold off on anything more. I did send a few gifts as a secret santa exchange with my family, but I didn’t even get around to mailing out Christmas cards this year, and I only received two cards from others where I’d normally have 15+ displayed on my walls. I did put up the Christmas tree, but after a week the lights all burnt out and I haven’t replaced them. Sounds pretty pathetic, but I’m hoping that next year when Leo is older things will slowly get back to what I consider “normal”. I’m quickly learning that parenting is hard, and as much as I love kids I may not actually be that fond of babies. I haven’t had a lot of chances to vent (or places to vent) so.. there you have it. Now, lets get on to gaming!

After attempting to play on the EverQuest progression server I decided that it just required way too much time and attention, so I swapped over to EverQuest 2 and my old characters there. I quickly fell in love as I was reminded of all the joyous occasions I’ve had in game even though it has gone through some significant changes. I purchased the latest expansion, and my little guild of three people have been playing together once again.

Things have changed since Daybreak became a thing. Antonia Bayle is no longer the most populated server, and groups are hard to come by. Since I don’t really have time to do dungeons this doesn’t bother me too much. What I’ve been doing is working on getting my characters to 100, in both adventuring and crafting, doing the Kunark Ascended timeline, and then ascending my characters into their respective classes. I also created two new characters, a troubador named Mousical (ratonga of course), and a necromancer named Quails (also a ratonga). Add that to the 9 characters I already had, and it’s a pretty full house.

I haven’t started the crafting timeline yet, but it rewards a really nice cloak and that’s next on my list of things to do. There have been plenty of in-game events with Frostfell going on, and I may have spent a day or two crafting various housing items so I could decorate the guild hall for Christmas. My guild mates have been fantastic about my need to randomly go AFK, so I spend a lot of time on autofollow as we complete various solo / advanced solo dungeons, or just play around in older raids. We attempted a few of the “new” (a few expansions old now) fabled raids, but those kicked our asses, so they’re on a wait list while we gear up.

Inflation has become a HUGE issue. A krono sells for 300,000 plat, and people are not shy about throwing that sort of money around. I have a grand total of 40,000 plat, and thought that was a large amount. I often see loot being sold on the auction channel for 100-400k which is just insane to me.

Despite all of this I’m having a lot of fun. If you happen to be in game, please don’t hesitate to look me up! You can typically find me as the two characters mentioned above, or Stargrace, or some other rendition of me. Doing a /who all torrent knights will bring up either myself or one of my two guild mates.

I’m also contemplating diving back into EVE Online as it’s something I could play without too much trouble from my laptop, and hanging out in highsec doing mining missions or some such wouldn’t be that difficult if I had to randomly AFK. I spend most of my days with twitch on the television and I’ve had an absolute blast getting to know other streamers and refining what it is I like about some streamers vs. others.

All in all, things are going. It’s not always bad, it’s certainly not always good, but the days keep passing and we all keep trying our best.

Happy holidays, from my little family to yours.

EverQuest Adventures on Phinny (Progression Server)

I know, it has been said time and time again – you can never go home (in this case the home they are referring to is your first MMORPG love). In my case this is EverQuest. Of course I’ve never really been one to listen to what everyone else says, so when I found myself drawn to Twitch streams of people playing EverQuest I decided to subscribe for a year and play along on one of the more recent progression servers.

Just like that.

I didn’t plan anything out, and I am pretty busy with the newborn so why on earth I decided to pick one of the most time-intenstive games to play I have no idea. I’m determined to make it work – plus the little guy spends a lot of time sleeping right now.

The first hurdle I had to figure out was getting the game to run on my macbook pro without having to install a lot of nonsense. Thankfully steam came through. Any game that isn’t native to my mac I can stream from my PC. My main reason for gaming on the macbook is because I’m typically on the couch rather than at my PC. It’s easier to watch the little guy and just closer to everything I want to be near. So I installed EverQuest on steam and remote to my PC. Easy peasy.

Once I was in game I had to make a decision about what to play. In a perfect world I wanted a class that could find groups easily so I’d have very little downtime – but in my actual world I knew this wasn’t going to be possible. The little man isn’t on a schedule (or rather he is, it’s his own schedule) so I can’t just join a group and hang around for hours at a time. I needed to be able to spend time soloing (for now) with the ability to group up when I find myself with an hour or two here and there.

I initially decided on a shaman, and then scrapped that idea for a beastlord. The progression server has unlocked up to the Luclin expansion at this time, and my first character was a troll named Beautiful. After grinding my way to level 3 I decided I wanted to bind myself in the Nexus. I also wanted to visit the bazaar. Unfortunately that’s not an easy walk for a troll.

I did make it all the way to North Karana and I was waiting for the wizard spire to whisk me away to the Nexus when all of the sudden a guard roamed into the centre and in half a second the hour progress I had made walking was wiped out and I was back in Grobb.


This is what EQ is all about though – and I love the game for that. Unfortunately because time is not my friend as much as it used to be, I ended up rerolling my beastlord as a Vah Shir instead, named Meowsical. Fitting name for a bard, even if I’m not playing one.

I spent the remainder of my game time catching up to where my troll was, which means I’m now level 3. Then I wandered to the Nexus with far fewer deaths even though I did have to run through some pretty intense zones (intense for my level, especially).

Once in the bazaar I found an amazing deal on a new weapon – a heavy iron ulak for one plat. I had exactly 4 plat to my name. I also grabbed two insignia rings (very cheap because everyone has been getting experience in PC), and a new tunic with 11ac. Over all I was incredibly pleased with my beginner purchases. Time was getting late, so I set up my own merchant in offline mode, and called it a night.

The next expansion to go live in Planes of Power in February, and I’m hoping to catch up by then. I don’t know if that’s a realistic expectation given my current situation at home, but we’ll see how it goes. I do plan on streaming what I can of my adventures to my twitch account, and writing about it here, of course.

I also want to find my way into a guild of some sort. I haven’t even begun to look for a place to call home, but I’m hoping I can find a family orientated guild with an older audience. Given the age of EQ I don’t think that will be too much of an issue, but since I don’t have the best of luck with guilds we’ll just have to see how that goes, too.

All in all, I’m pretty dang excited about these new-ish adventures!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! You can find me in EverQuest on the phinny server as Meowsical – feel free to add me to friends and say hello!

Wurm Online Just Got a Whole Lot More Interesting


Today update 1.3 was released for Wurm Online – you can find the lengthy patch notes on their site (and posted on the forums too). A lot really cool things have been added, but the biggest addition (and probably one of the most anticipated) is the changes to cooking. I don’t even really know where to start when it comes to talking about this amazing change.

Every player now has a virtual cook book, where you discover recipes (and you’ll have a few in there by default too). Food gives players stats  now, like calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. When you eat a particular food you’ll be granted a player specific affinity that lasts for xyz amount of time (the amount of time the affinity lasts is based on how much of the food you eat, the quality of the food, and the difficulty).

With all of these new recipes come new items to create those recipes, and new food basics like herbs, spices, and new vegetables. There’s also a new fruit tree (oranges) and a bush (hazelnut). There’s a pretty awesome guide posted on google where you can look up more details about everything involved – and MAN is it involved!

Bees have also been added, along with hives, and a bee smoker. I haven’t found any yet, but I’m pretty sure I want to have a hive or two and create my own honey.

Runes have been added, bugs have been fixed, there were also some changes to the Epic servers and a handful of misc. changes took place as well.

As soon as I logged in I crafted myself a fork, spoon, and knife. Then I set about making some pie plates, a measuring cup, and other items out of clay. I need some marble to create a mortar and pestle. Pesto is a recipe, and I can’t wait to figure that out. I didn’t own any cows but it looks like milk and milk items play a pretty big role, so I went out and found four cows and two bulls (so I can keep breeding) and then I took my fork, whipped some milk, and made four things of butter.

I know it doesn’t sound that exciting, but I’m pretty excited.

Using my butchering knife on some potatoes gave me fries – I’m wondering if they’re an ingredient in anything. Maybe I can make poutine!

In any case, if you’re a fan of Wurm Online, or you’ve been thinking about trying it out I highly recommend it after this latest update. So. Much. Goodness.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Appreciating Streamers


Now that I’m a first time parent with a tiny little one who seems to do nothing but eat – I REALLY appreciate streamers. I tend to watch people who stream on twitch because my Roku has a plugin for that which makes it easy to watch on my TV while I’m nursing. I’ve also got a handy laptop that allows me to watch streams on Beam and Forge (though Forge announced today that they’ll no longer be supporting streaming, which sucks).

I know streaming isn’t easy. Making conversation, deciding whether or not to be on cam, ignoring the (numerous) trolls, none of it comes naturally, but it does come with practice. If you happen to know of an interesting streamer, be sure to leave a comment so I can follow them (and make sure to tell me what platform they use to stream).

I’m glad that there’s competition between streaming platforms, but I wish there were an easier way of watching them all on my TV with the Roku.

In the early mornings (we’re talking 4am PST) I tend to watch a WoW streamer (or two). Later in the day I watch a Minecraft streamer. I follow streamers for games that I’m particularly interested in or streamers whose personality I resonate with. Having good equipment also helps, I really dislike drastic volume changes within a stream, and obnoxious sound effects just get in the way.

I’m hoping once my little guy is sleeping for longer periods that I might be able to fit in a stream here and there myself. For now I’m just doing a lot of watching and hosting on my own channel.

Do you enjoy watching gaming streams? What are your favourite ones to watch? Let me know in comments!