Not Everyone’s Vision is the Same


Just down the road from me is the monstrosity posted above in the screenshot. What used to be a wonderful forest is being converted into a gigantic desert. Unfortunately this is one of the downsides to sandbox MMOs. Your vision for the area you live in may not be the same as someone else’ vision and so you end up with conflicts. I personally love forest and lake life in Wurm which is why I settled where I did, but not everyone is going to share that love with me. In the end you have to be OK with people making decisions like this and you can’t let it get under your skin. Instead you focus on your own little area and turn it into your own vision. In my case that means surrounding my deed with maple trees so that I can’t see the various atrocities from my front step, heh.

Yesterday was a less productive day than I had intended, but that’s alright. It’s nice to relax a bit. I created a few coal piles so I can get some ash to make lye and then I can work on my leather working a bit. Moumix gave me an 80 ql toolbelt which I absolutely adore. I worked on Goldstrike Outpost a bit and did some mining, I’ve almost uncovered some copper but I’m not quite there yet. I cleaned up the water front of my property and began a road that will curve around the lake.

I also gained rank 3 on path of knowledge (meditation) with Stargrace, and my alt is working her way down path of love. My meditation is 28.7 and raising well. I also reached 43.37 faith on the Vynora, and the Fo priest is just over 36 faith now. I’m trying to get her to 60 so that she can go around without worrying about (most) aggressive mobs. I’ve set up timers using a Wurm Unlimited version of Wurm Assistant so that I can keep track of who needs to pray and meditate when, and it seems to be working fairly well.

I haven’t made the alt any tools yet nor a lantern so at some point in time I’d like to get those done. She hasn’t been doing that much (just prayer, meditation, and the odd bit of mining here and there) so it hasn’t been a very high priority. I’ve seen lots of new players around lately and I hope even more join. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Results of the Hunt


Yesterday was a fantastic day on the Sklotopolis server of Wurm Unlimited. I started out by finishing my main building, the second floor done in timber and then the roof done in slate that I got from Moumix’ mine. The black slate looks amazing, and I’m very proud of the house. Afterward I decided to improve my tools to 40 ql, and I created a few tools for Moumix and Mayameran too. Moumix had found a small anvil that was better quality than the one I was using and offered it up to me but I decided to improve my own instead – and good thing I did! I managed to turn the thing rare. Not only that, but I turned a needle rare that I was improving, too. I was very pleased to finally have a handful of useful rares.

I tentatively decided on a few skills to focus on. I’m going to continue working blacksmithing, weaponsmithing, leatherworking, and natural substance. I’m sure other skills will come along the way but those are the ones that I’d like to work at. Basically the same skills (minus leatherworking) that I was working on in Wurm Online.

When the chores were done and it was daylight in game again I hitched up the cart and forgetting anything useful (like bandages, meals, water..) headed out to the steppe and desert that lay to the East. The lands may have been empty of deeds, but were absolutely full of mobs to help raise up my combat skills and to collect some leather and natural substance materials. I can’t handle bison yet, but there were plenty of horses around and I took advantage of that. I came home with 4 female horses for Mayameran, who is going to dedicate her skills towards animal husbandry.

A few trolls tried to eat me along the way, and I was chased by a gator and a diseased bear for some time, but over all the trip was fantastic and I got to explore some pretty deeds in progress. There was a little bit of drama in GL-Freedom early yesterday that involved someone buying tools from another player and then going AFK when they were delivered (even though they did ask for the tools to be COD to them in the mail) but honestly little things like that come up often in MMOs – it’s just what happens when you have a group of people playing a game together. Thankfully it wasn’t anything drastic, and it didn’t interrupt anyone else’ game play.

Since I’m not able to afford a subscription to Wurm Online at the moment, let alone three of them, I decided to go ahead and sell off two of my priest characters. A few minutes after I put the auctions up I had a response about a buyout and I let them go for what I think is a pretty fair price. I still have my main character, as well as the character holding onto my second deed, in total besides those two priests I have 4 others, so it’s not a great loss to me. I had purchased those two priests to begin with a few years ago and just couldn’t give them the attention that a priest requires in Wurm Online. Another reason I’m thankful for Wurm Unlimited.

A lot of the ‘to do’ list has been completed, and there’s only a small portion left. Moumix helped craft two more beds and he brought over some BSB so that’s all done. He’s going down the path of Magnaron so we can have someone collapse a few mine tiles. Maya is going Fo, so hopefully in the future I can link up and get a few life transfer casts onto some weapons. I need to complete a few mailboxes (they start with a default courier of 30) and I still need to complete the storage building some time but I’m not exactly in a huge rush. Over all I’m incredibly pleased with the progress so far and I’m having a lot of fun.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Deed Chores and a Hunt in the Works


Sunday was a really relaxing day. I did a bit of deed work but not too much, and focused on working my alt up in faith and meditation while I watched Netflix. Wurm is great for that sort of multitasking. I did work on the main building at Quail Ridge quite a bit, I completed the main floor, added a staircase, completed the second floor, and almost completed the walls to the second floor. After that is all done, it will be time for a roof, and two beds so when I log off I can finally get a little sleep bonus.

I’m also thinking of going on a hunting expedition. I need some leather, I’m tired of the three slot tool belt and I couldn’t find anything I wanted at the NT market (the main market on server). I’m hoping to save up my silver for a merchant that I could place there, I’m not sure they make many (any?) sales, but I love being more involved with the player base and the economy. I’ve started getting to know the regulars in GL-Freedom, and I try to take part in conversations where I can. There have been a few people here and there in local too, and I try to be friendly and chat when they’re paying attention. Over all I still really enjoy the community that has settled here, and am very happy to be a part of things.

I still haven’t decided what skill to settle on working so I imagine I’ll one again be a jack of all trades, master of none. I don’t mind this at all, it’s nice to be self sufficient. In most games I play I create alts so that I can handle “all the things” myself. In Wurm Unlimited this isn’t a requirement since your character can do pretty much everything (and on this server in particular you CAN do everything since priests have no restrictions).

The second floor of my main house is timber and I noticed they added a few new(er) models to the selections. Balcony was one of the choices, and even though you can’t actually walk out onto them, they’re quite pretty. I placed two balconies on the top floor, along with some fancy windows. The first floor of the building is for the workshop and holds my forges, loom, food storage bin, and a few other odds and ends. The upstairs is the living quarters, and will have some beds and other fancy furniture as I work up carpentry and fine carp. Then I have a second building that will be for storage and just hold bulk items in storage bins / crates.

It’s not a fancy place with fancy architect but it will allow me to focus on working up my skills which is what I enjoy doing. Some people like designing fancy places to live but I’d rather buy a place that’s already complete, and then make it my own from there.

The goal this week is to complete the main building, maybe work more on the second building, and organize that hunting trip I want to do. Maybe work a bit on natural substance, and clear out a few more tiles of my mine. I’d also like to find some time to work on channeling, my Fo priest is almost at 30 faith and she’ll need to travel to the white light to get converted to a priest, my Vynora priest has barely cast any spells at all (whoops) but at least it’s another thing to do in game.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Things to Do


A list of things I need to get done both at Quail Ridge, and Goldstrike Outpost – these are only deed chores, they don’t include things like improving my armor / weapons or working on getting better tools. That will come in time.

Quail Ridge: 

    • Complete storage building main floor, stone.
    • Complete floor of main building, slabs.
    • Complete floor of storage building, slabs.
  • Complete bed x2 x1
  • Re-do fence in iron instead of wood
  • Complete 7 3 bulk storage bins
  • Complete 1 large barrel
  • Complete 3 small barrel
  • Create a dock area
  • Complete Path of Love tile
  • Complete loom
  • Complete staircase
  • Complete floor 2
  • Complete floor 2 walls (timber)
  • Complete main house roof
  • Mailbox

Goldstrike Outpost:

  • Complete 2 forge
  • Complete 2 bulk storage bin
  • Bring over fuel
  • Complete a mine door
  • Complete 10 5 lamps
  • Complete large barrel (with water)
  • Complete Fo altar
  • Complete horse pen (2×2)
  • Mailbox

This should keep me busy for a while.

Hunt for the Elusive Iron


Along with basic resources like wood, water, and clay, iron is pretty far up there on the list. My deed is too close to water level to have a mine right there so up in behind along a mountainside is where I decided to start one instead. I put up a door, and even though it’s off-deed I’m not too concerned about it. I spent most of the evening yesterday working my way through rock, trying to find iron. After about 50 tiles, I still hadn’t found any. I was getting pretty frustrated, normally mountains are filled with different types of ore, but I was just having zero luck at all (as is my way, RNG and everything random absolutely hates me). Finally, when I was just about to give up hope, I stumbled upon a single block of iron. I’m pretty sure I did a dance of incredible joy.

I spent a few minutes mining some iron, lugging it back home, and turning it into lamps for my deed. I also improved my tools up to 25ql, 5 higher than their default 20. Each day I’m going to try to improve them a little bit higher, until I’m using fabulous tools.

On a more humorous note, I also made my first rare that wasn’t a resource. I had already gotten rare dirt and a supreme dirt, but I needed a storage container for my spare tools so I was creating a coffin when it went rare. The unfinished coffin glowed while it was on the ground, pulsating with rareness, but the finished product has no glow at all, and as far as I know there’s no benefits to this item being rare. On the plus side, I did get a neat achievement for creating the rare to begin with, so that’s something.

Since I have so much time to play these days I also decided to create an alt. The alt will probably be Fo or Magnaron bound, and only handle tiny little tasks. The issue I have is that I quickly run out of fatigue on my main character since I’ve been playing so often. I understand why fatigue exists, but it’s a bit of a nuisance to those of us who have more than your average surplus of time on our hands to be in game. My main character can regain some fatigue numbers while I piddle around on another character. Sure, I could just leave completely and play another game while it regenerates, but what would be the fun in that!

Eventually I’ll need to continue work on the deed. There are buildings to be completed, fences to be built, and meals to be prepared. I did get around to finding a maple forest and I walked home with about 50 maple sprouts which I planted right away. I love maple trees, they’re very colourful and beautiful. Once the land around my deed fills in I can’t wait to see what it looks like. I haven’t seen the seasons change on this server yet, but I assume that they do indeed change.

More updates tomorrow! Happy gaming.

Nomadic Gamer