Priest Dings 100 – YAY!


I almost forgot to post this today, the 24th – but I made it on time (It’s 11:41pm), so technically I’ve still blogged all the days of August. Yay!

That schedule I made for my priest, well. Completely out the window. I reached level 100 today without too many problems. Opened over 80 chests and lamented (again) over the fact that there are no 2h staffs, nor are there any off hands or shields. 699 is my character’s ilevel, which is nice but it would be much higher if I found a better off-hand that didn’t cost quite so much gold. I realize that I could participate in two battlegrounds and get a 710 pvp item, which I may attempt to do, but I normally have horrible luck with things like that, so we’ll have to see.

I do still have one single character not at level 100, a 91 death knight. Whether or not I’ll try to get them to 100 I haven’t decided. Honestly, I’m completely burnt out from doing invasions, so I may just take a bit of a break from that. I spent the rest of the evening working on unlocking my garrison and the introduction into WoD. It’s not required by any means, especially with Legion right around the corner, but the little treasures you collect sell for a nice amount, and I figured it would be fun busy work.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Invasions.. Still..


I made a tentative schedule to see if I could get my priest to 100 before Legion comes out. If everything stays the way it is at the moment, I should be able to do it. We’ll see. Today (Tuesday) the priest is level 85. I’m hoping to reach 90 tomorrow, 95 Thursday, and then 100 between Friday and Sunday. Those SHOULD be do-able goals but honestly things can change, problems can arise, and real life can rear its ugly head, messing everything up.

Have you set any leveling goals for yourself before Legion releases? Are you all finished leveling – and if you are, what are you doing to keep busy?

I’d love to make this a longer post with real in-depth content, but when all I’ve been doing for the past few days is running the same invasions over and over again.. well, it leaves very little content to actually talk about! So I’ll leave it here for now, and we’ll see how I manage to stay on track with my leveling over the next little while (or rather, if I’m ABLE to stay on track). So far it’s looking pretty good.

Grinding Levels – But at the Cost of Burnout?


What little game time I had this weekend was spent working on my horde priest. I already have an alliance priest that I’ve used as my “main” for years now, over on Argent Dawn. The server leaves a bit to be desired, and I’ve never managed to find a real “home” there – and truth be told, even though almost all of my bnet friends are playing alliance these days, I prefer the Horde side of things. When I created the priest it was before invasions and I had no dreams or goals of trying to reach 100 before Legion. I mean sure, it would have been nice, but it wasn’t something I set out to actively do.

Then this weekend happened along with the positive tweaks to leveling during invasions. My little priest went from level 34 to 70 without too much fuss. What I mean is that yes, I was grinding out invasions as often as they came up but it wasn’t a lot of “work” per say, it was just.. boring. A bit of a tedious grind.

Now that I can fly things are much better. I’m wondering if I shouldn’t be actively pushing to try to reach 100 so I can swap over to this character as my new “main” when Legion hits. I still have 30 levels to go. Can it be done? Of course, but how burnt out will I be from playing if I try to get it all done RIGHT NOW. A part of me wishes I just had the spare cash to boost the character. While another part of me laughs because getting from 70-100 on invasions is not THAT big of a deal. Then yet another part groans because I’ve already done so many of them. I was grinding them when they were barely rewarding anything, after all.

Maybe the newest update on Tuesday (with rumors of invasions occurring every hour instead of every two hours) will provide me with bigger motivation. Or maybe the experience will be nerfed into oblivion again and I’ll regret not having gotten to level 100 sooner. There is of course the “regular” way of leveling, but the idea of doing WoD content (again) quite frankly makes me grimace. Of course I say all of this as I’m flying to yet another invasion (this time in Tanaris) so I suppose the decision has already (sort of) been made. If I can inch my way along at 5-10 levels a day, then I’ll be in a pretty happy place.

It would also help a TON if we still got experience for hitting the bosses when we were dead, because that is really taking its toll on me.

I Take Back my Take Back..


Invasions are useless for alts.. Invasions are great for alts! Invasions are not worth the time / effort for alts.. Invasions are once again great for alts!

That’s what this week has been like in World of Warcraft. I know, two days ago I JUST made a post about how I was tired of the grind and felt that I could level up faster other ways – and then Blizzard saw that post and was like “Woah, we just can’t have that.” So they tweaked things, again, and now I finally feel as though they are at a comfortable level.

Lets see, people who want to AFK for loot and don’t need the xp – can. Lowbies who want the xp to get to 100 before Legion – can. It honestly seems like win-win. There’s no reason NOT to have people pushing for level 100 when you’re going to want to sell them on that expansion to begin with.

Last night I started off tentatively playing my level 94 warlock. I did a total of four invasions (not rounds of invasions, just complete events) and I reached 100. That’s with rest experience and full heirloom. The trick? Participation. You get a LOT of experience for the larger named, bosses, and mini bosses. Hit as much as you can, try not to die during the named fights, and you’ll be sailing through the levels. Unfortunately she also didn’t earn enough boxes to gear out very well but that’s alright.

After my warlock was ‘finished’ I decided to keep the leveling going (especially because you never know when these things will be reverted, again) and pulled out my trusty level 91 paladin. Four invasions later, she’s at a comfortable level 96. I burned through the rest experience I had pretty fast, but even “regular” experience makes it worth it.

After the paladin, I have the 91 death knight (horde). After THAT, I have the 34 priest. Will they all reach 100? I’m not sure. Will I try? Probably. I don’t have much more going on this weekend since it’s going to be incredibly hot, and Friday was a complete bust as far as “life” goes, so I plan on taking it easy and indulging in some gaming. Am I tired of invasions? Not quite yet. I’ll get there, I know, but for now because of their natural fast pace, they’re OK. It helps that the rewards are so grand, whether it’s experience or gear.

Are you taking advantage of the experience this weekend? Let me know in comments!