The internet has helped to establish different trends in the gaming industry. Among these are online casinos such as which permit players to gamble from anywhere they can get an internet connection. Another development in gaming is the creation of MMO (massively multiplayer online) games. Naturally, these two popular gaming trends have come together to offer gamers online casino MMO games.

Four King Casino and Slots

This game combines a social experience with a 3D casino simulation. Players begin by creating their own 3D avatar. There are ways in which to personalize the avatar with other customizations opening up as players move up levels in the game. The rewards amount to stylish clothing. When your avatar enters the casino you can select from some of the most popular casino games such as roulette, video poker, craps, baccarat, slot machines and more. The game also allows players to play at the pace that fits their gambling experience. Choose from a no limit table or opt for a low stakes table.


Like Four Kings, this casino MMO also has options for customization. However, in this game players can work up the levels to create their own casino. These casinos then are available for other players to use. Expect to find 2D graphics in this game. One benefit of playing CasinoRPG is that players have a large community open to them. This includes global chat options which permit players to chat with others while gambling making this casino game seem even more lifelike. Unlike Four Kings, players must move up level in this game to wager larger amounts of money.

Both of the casino MMOs let gamers enjoy a simulated casino experience by wagering in-game currency. These games provide good practice for when players are ready to try their luck at an online casino wagering real money.

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