Things have been busy (as always) especially with Summer (we’ve skipped Spring this year) beginning. Still, those magical walls I was waiting for finally hit Wurm Unlimited last week, and I wasted no time in getting a new house created for pottery. It shows off the new pottery floors, along with the matching brick walls. I created a roof out of pottery shingles too just so the whole thing matched, and then added a kiln for good measure (plus I didn’t have one before now). There are a few issues with the patch (you can’t create fences on the left side of arches, and sandstone tiles are not working as they should be) but overall it has been a good update.

Zuca, my Magnaron priest also managed to (finally) reach 70 faith which means she can strongwall. I’ve been trying to inch her towards that goal for quite some time. I’m not sure why it took so long, I do have both a Fo priest and a Vynora priest at over 80 faith, but the Magnaron gains seemed to take forever. My tunnel between Quail Ridge and Quail Keep is currently two tiles wide, and I’m working on expanding that to three wide, then reinforcing the entire thing. I’ve been taking a bit of a break to deal with real life so only part of that is done so far. Having projects is always a good thing though.

I also re-did the entire front of my forge building in slate. I love the look and I’ve been contemplating re-doing the Temple building in marble. Sklotopolis is also accepting submissions on designs for the newest starter town, so DeedPlanner has been a good friend over the past few days while that gets worked on.

I was expecting to spend a lot of time at the Impalong last weekend but I got side swiped by some real life drama and then I caught a horrible cold, so I could do little other than logging in for a single morning. By the time I got to log in again the Impalong was over. One of the GMs kindly sent me an Impalong item so I didn’t miss out, but I felt horrible that I couldn’t be there for the duration, especially after all my excitement about it. I know attendance was low but the community of Sklotopolis makes such events awesome.

For the next little while working on the tunnel between my two deeds is my main focus. I’d like to get the entire thing mined three wide, and reinforced. Afterward I’d like to create some sort of plan for Quail Keep, and then Quail Cove. Quail Ridge is the only one of my deeds that I feel is “completed” and even there I have a building or two that still requires a roof (and a second floor). The majority of that deed is completed at least.

Anyone else playing with the new wall textures? What are some of your favourites? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

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