May 31, 2017

How Much Time do you spend Deciding What to Play?

Honestly, it depends on the day.

There are times when I know exactly what I want to play. I’ve planned it out, I spend the day thinking about it, I wait for my allotted game time to come into action and bam, there I am playing exactly what I wanted to play.

Then there are days where I have the time to play, and I end up playing nothing at all because I don’t have the faintest idea of what I want to play. I debate all of the games in my head, the pros and cons of each, make up lists on what I would want to accomplish, and before I know it two hours has gone by and it’s time for me to get some sleep.

Tonight is one of those nights.

I started out thinking that I would play some EQ. Make a new character on FV and see how far I could get. Then my mind wandered to WoW and pet battles. Then I thought maybe I’d load up Gwent and play a round or two. 22 minutes have passed by out of the 1.5 hours I get an evening to game and I haven’t loaded up a single one. In fact now I’m here making this blog post and post-dating it to tomorrow (yes, I share my 2 hours of allotted gaming with my time to make a blog post). I wonder how much time I’ve spent thinking about playing a video game only to not have played anything at all.

Anyone else suffer from the same?