One thing I can say about streaming – it really gets me into games I haven’t played in a while (or ever). Since my streams are only an hour long (for now) I’ve been looking through my steam library to find old gems to stream. One game I forgot I even owned was ABZU.

This game is completely filled with beautiful art. There’s no combat, it’s calm (if you can handle the controls at least) and the music is amazing. You swim around discovering collectables and doing basic exploration puzzles in a world so vibrant and creative that it makes you gasp. If you didn’t get a chance to watch the stream live, you can check out the recap over on my YouTube channel, or watch it over on my twitch highlights. You’ll have to forgive my lack of knowledge about the controls, it’s been forever since I played anything with a controller and I had no idea what I was doing.

It’s amazing to be able to get lost in worlds like this one. I hope we continue to see fantastic gems like these as the gaming industry moves forward.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One thought on “ABZU”
  1. I just checked my steam library and I have that game too, but I’ve never played it. Alas, since discovering bundles my library has grown immensely but I still play the same small handful of games. Silly I know :-)

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