June 19, 2017

Bigger Fish to Fry

One really easy thing for me to jump into game and do when I may not have a lot of time and I don’t know how long the time I do have is going to last, is fishing.

I’ve parked myself down in the little pond below Dalaran, and I’m currently fishing up Drowned Manas for Conjurer Nargoss. I’m also hoping to catch a Mark of Aquaos, which will help spawn a creature and grant a buff to let more Drowned Manas spawn.

While fishing I got some really  neat toys that change my fishing bobber into different things like a wooden Pepe, a Tugboat, and a floating cat head. I love the flavour the game has! So far I have 41/60 drowned mana, we’ll see how many more I can catch before my little guy wakes up.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!