I meant to write about this a few days ago but I hadn’t gotten around to it and I want to apologize for that because it’s something I should have posted right away.

Many times now I’ve attended an event on the Sklotopolis server and commented about how RNG was just not my friend. No big deal, but after a while it does weigh on you to see people who play for only a short time show up and win some of the awesome gear.

When I went and checked my mail a few days ago I had a surprise from Wreck, an alliance mate and friend of mine. He had gifted me a complete set of black drake, created by Densetsu. I was speechless! He told me he had taken it upon himself to collect bits and pieces of drake to help create sets of gear for veteran players who had not won any. I am incredibly humbled and thankful for the gear, it looks fantastic and stands up very well to the trolls that are hanging out around my deed lately.

I know I haven’t written much about Wurm lately, but I’m still playing (just not as much as I used to, I haven’t the time at the moment). Deed work still needs to get done, animals fed, chores taken care of. I also streamed a bit of it last week while I had the chance. My merchants need to be restocked, so tonight I’m copying out recipes to send to Zuca (my merchant holder). Enchanted tools and weapons will have to wait, but I’m glad for whatever time I can find.

I know I’ve said this multiple times before, but if you’re looking for a friendly server please do check out Sklotopolis. The folks there really are some of the best I’ve met.

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