June 26, 2017

11th Anniversary

11 years. That’s how long I’ve been writing here at MmoQuests. When I first started it was to collect my stories of EverQuest 2. Over the years I’ve added a lot more games to those posts, and I’ve written a total of 3,028 (3,029 with this one) articles. That’s not bad, for 11 years. If you had of asked me if I thought I’d still be writing here, 11 years later, I probably would have laughed. Shrugged. Not known the answer. I’m proud that I’ve managed to keep the blog going for that long.

Things have changed a lot in that time. I volunteered for SOE (back when they were SOE). I wrote for a video game magazine. Wrote for video game web sites. Got to travel to California to interview some wonderful people. Started working for Carbine Studios. Worked for NCSOFT.

Things have changed a lot for me in my personal life, too. I moved across the country. I got married. I’ve got a little boy. I grew up, in other words. Despite the fact that a lot has changed, a lot also stayed the same. I still have a ton of passion for video games. I know a lot of the same gamer’s. I still write as frequently as I can, which lately is once a day, but that’s still pretty new. I’m making up for lost time.

I’ve never written for an audience, I’ve always just written for myself. I get comments here and there and they’re absolutely wonderful when I do, but whether or not I get a comment doesn’t decide if I’ll continue writing and I think that’s been the one thing that has kept me going. Writing is just something I do, whether you enjoy it or not, whether you take a minute to read it.

So here’s to 11 years and here’s to 11 more. It’s been absolutely lovely.