June 27, 2017

Steam Sale Results

I ended up buying 8 new games during the steam sale (so far) this year. Since I’ve been pretty good at holding off during the previous sales there were quite a few games that I actually wanted. Plus, I don’t have a lot of time to game lately so my current selection of games was a bit outdated for my lifestyle changes (ie: I have a kid and no time, but still want to game).

My Lady was a gift from a friend, it’s a cute (short) little Otome, perfect for a few minutes of play here and there. The winners that I ended up buying were Shoppe Keep, Tabletop Simulator, and Cosmochoria. I also ended up returning one game, Junk Jack. The game felt clunky and was more suited to a tablet than it was a PC (which makes sense, because it was an import). Shoppe Keep is hilarious even though there’s not a lot to it (and it looks like the developer is calling it done even though there are some.. issues.. with it). It’s not a game I would suggest paying full price for, but on sale it’s a winner (at least to me).

Cosmochoria is adorable, and I can’t wait to dive into the other little games I bought. I was pleased that I came in around my budget for the sale (remember I said $20 total) and walked away with so many games. Not everything I buy has to be a triple A title, there’s tons of little gems out there.

Anyone else walk away from the steam sale with some gems? Let me know in comments!