June 2017

A Stream Scheduling Change (Life Happens)

I had intended to stream Black Desert Online last night at 7pm PDT but that didn’t happen.

I wasn’t feeling the game, my mood was a bit bleh, and instead I hopped into Gwent: The Witcher Cardgame. Things were moving along at a pretty nice pace, I was 13 minutes into my stream (yes, I remember the exact minute) and I was doing a multiplayer game against a random person (my apologies, whoever you were, but at least you won).

My little guy doesn’t sleep through the night quite yet, and last night was a rough one for him so at the 13 minute mark I had to suddenly sign off and go take care of him. He was screaming and crying and wouldn’t calm down which I hear is pretty normal for 8 month old babies. Truth of the matter is I may just not be able to stream until he’s a bit older or at least sleeping through the night.

In a test, I’m moving my Tuesday to Friday streams up half an hour, from 7:30-8:30 PDT instead of from 7-8. I’m hoping this gives my little guy more time to fall soundly asleep, leaving me with at least an hour to stream. I don’t know if this will work, I may be too tired, he may still wake up, a number of other factors come into play. I REALLY want to stream. Right now I feel like my days are 99% baby filled (which they are) and the small 1% I’m entitled to helps me keep my sanity. Unfortunately it also comes down to the fact that I need sleep. A lot of sleep. I’m a nursing first time mother and sleep is incredibly important. When he starts sleeping through the night hopefully I’ll also be able to sleep more soundly and I may have more time to stream then. I need to find the balance that lets me take good care of my family, and also allow myself that 1% of sanity. I am still a human being, after all.

So! Tonight should be guild wars 2. 7:30 PDT. We’ll see how that goes. Please tune in, give my channel a follow, and stick around if you enjoy things.

What happens on the Rim..

Last night I streamed RimWorld once again, continuing off from the cliffhanger of the night before. We were down to four colonists, being raided by five pirates with guns. We had two guns, and two knives.

Would we survive?

Turns out, we did. Barely.

Then things progressed, we expanded the base, created more gardens, supplied clothing to the nude – and another raid came along.

This time there were seven of them, all of them with guns.

Our colonists fought with all of their might, but two of them were kidnapped (girlvsmmo and carloverz28) and the two remaining colonists, Hampooj and Scopique, couldn’t fend off the attackers. The pirates decided to give up after kidnapping our colonists – but not before setting fire to our base, including the solar panels and the wind turbine. This created a continual burning fire within the base, and things got hot. REALLY hot. It was a whooping 180C inside the base at one point and that’s when Scopique succumbed to his injuries. Soon afterward Hampooj passed because there was no one to take care of him.

Bront, our pet Ori, survived the attack and wandered around the empty base feasting on corpses because all of our meals and the remaining supplies had burned up.

That’s life on the Rim for you.

If you’re interested in watching the series, you can find it over on both my YouTube channel and over on twitch.

Today (Thursday June 8th at the time of this post) I’ll be streaming some Black Desert Online, starting at 7pm PDT (until 8pm PDT) – so be sure to tune in! I’m working on the game schedule for next week, I’m thinking some Wurm Unlimited, combined with.. well, we’ll just have to see!

I’m also trying to raise some funds for a new computer chair, so if you happen to be feeling generous and want to support me please stop on by my donation page. As always, thank you, and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

A Lot of Preparation!

It has been really great to get back to a little bit of gaming but what I have been really excited about is streaming those games and interacting with the audience while doing so. Over the weekend I spent some time trying to look into what I wanted my Twitch channel to do for me, checking out bots, pondering layouts, looking into StreamJar for donations and the like.

I made a huge list of things I want to fix / change / set up.

I think I’ve settled on using Anhkbot for my chat channel, and StreamJar for donations and a few layouts. There are other layouts I’d love to add eventually but I’m trying to go slow so I don’t get overwhelmed. I’m learning the ins and outs of Anhkbot – there’s a 50+ paged document outlining how to set everything up. It’s going to take me a while, to say the least.

With setting it up I also had to create a bot account so they can sit in my channel and monitor it. I know some bots don’t need you to create a completely new account but this way I control what the name of the bot is, which I like. I also want to set up various commands, and maybe one day I’ll get into the more detailed aspects of things like awarding currency to people who are watching in stream that they can spend on virtual things like song requests.

Since my stream is so small for now and only four days a week for an hour, I’m not too concerned. I really want to get myself comfortable and back onto a schedule more than anything else.

The details, as it were, will come as they come.

Have any advice, tips, tricks, or suggestions for me as I hash it out as a part-time streamer? Let me know in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


DING! I’ve Joined a Guild!

First of all, I was watching an EverQuest stream today by a very popular streamer who had 7,000+ people watching him play. Even though I was a bit jealous, I was also SUPER happy that so many people were watching him play the game. He’s playing over on the latest progression server (of course) and was playing a necromancer (I believe he may re-roll something new, he was level 49) and it just warmed my heart to see that many people paying attention to the game. The streamer plays all sorts of games, so it’s not like EverQuest was his usual choice. While I may not have the viewership someone like him does, it still made me smile and I hope streamers continue to promote the game. Plus it certainly couldn’t hurt Daybreak to have that sort of publicity.

In my own news, my beastlord headed out to Blightfire Moors once more (har) to take on snakes and rats. Once they started conning dark blue I moved on to gators and turtles. While I was out adventuring I was buffed up numerous times by strangers – FV is an INCREDIBLY friendly server! I was astounded. Plus someone put thorns on me that last for over an hour. I didn’t even know that was a thing.

I started out the evening at level 18 and before I knew it (after using Lesson of the Devoted of course)I had dinged 25. Along the way I also joined a guild!

Emerald Alliances of FV responded to my cry in general channel looking for a casual family friendly guild. There were a good number of people online with 330 total members. Not overly chatty, but it’s still nice to have a home. Plus guilds come with perks like halls. Something I’m going to want to make use of, especially with portals to get around Norrath.

All in all it was a very productive night. Now I’ve REALLY got to pick up my last … 7 levels … of spells and see what skills I’m missing. After that it’s off to the Bazaar for a shopping trip. The guild offered to help gear me up but I would rather take care of that myself. I need a second weapon at the very least.

Don’t forget I’ll be streaming (it’ll probably be a RimWorld stream) Tuesday, 7-8pm PDT and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

An Impromptu EVE Stream

With my little guy out for a walk with his Dad, I had some time to myself and once I finished a few chores I decided to hop into EVE Online and stream for a bit. I knew I likely had 30 minutes or less and wouldn’t be able to actually DO much of anything, but it was still a nice bit of time to relax so I decided to take advantage of it.

While I’m still debating with myself as to whether I want to use Mixer or Twitch as my main streaming platform, I decided for today to stick with Mixer. Troy stopped by the stream and kept me company while we chatted about adventures in EverQuest and how many jumps was ‘too many’. I also mentioned the awesome Twitch streams I had been watching lately, everything from cooking, creating sushi, and metal working. It’s been a pretty good weekend.

I was docked over at my Industry place but completely forgot to actually remove my completed jobs and instead made the 19 jumps over to my mission running area. I’ve been working faction for an R&D agent, and the closest level 2 agent is that far away. The 19 jumps flew by thanks to great conversation and I had just enough time to grab a quick distribution mission and drop off the cargo they wanted delivered before I had to end the stream. You can watch it over on my VOD for the next 14 days, and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube channel for anyone who misses it there.

I know most streamers go for larger amounts of time, but I’m determined to make it work with my limited time. So far, so good.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!