August 4, 2017

Slow and Steady

When I stopped playing Guild Wars 2 previously, I was on the final quest in my personal story chain – to defeat elder dragon Zhaitan. There was no way I was going to be able to handle it alone, and I got frustrated because most of my personal story up to that point had been solo material.

These days things are a bit easier, at least where that story is concerned. With help from girlvsmmo we went back to that period in time and together we defeated Zhaitan, completing what was (to me) an enormous amount of progression. I was so excited to finally be doing it. The cut scenes were top notch, the story telling fantastic, and let me tell you, when my character marched through the crowds – I felt like a hero.

The music in the final instance was also pulling at my heartstrings, it was incredible.

I can’t complete living story 1 any more because it involves content that is no longer available (way back from 2014-2015) but there’s an NPC who will tell me about it and then I can continue on with living story 2 – I also have Heart of Thorns to work on, and then yes, there’s the expansion coming out in September.

This time around I’ve been paying far more attention to the story being told and listening to what the NPCs are saying. My previous playthroughs involved a lot of skipping – and it’s probably how I got so burnt out.

In any case, it’s really nice to have my personal story completed (at least on one character) and it feels amazing to be back in Tyria. No pressure about having a subscription, no guilt if I don’t get a number of hours in each day, no worries if I have to randomly leave because of real life (I would love to do some group content, but my time is pretty restrictive).

Can you tell I’m excited?

You better believe it.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.