September 3, 2017

Off to Harathi Hinterlands

From Lion’s Arch, to Grndarran Fields, to Harathi Hinterlands – which is one of my least favourite zones. I’ve been making my way through the zone and completing hearts and events as I go, but for some reason the place just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

I did get enough mastery points to unlock legendary craft even though I have zero idea what that means. Apparently there are new recipes available, so I need to figure out where the NPC I need to visit is for that. I imagine in one of the cities.

Aside from that I’m still just taking my time and exploring. I’m really excited about mounts with the new expansion, and I’m content to take my time and meander around while we’re waiting for PoF to release. What is everyone else up to in game? Finishing personal stories? Living Seasons? HoT quest lines? Let me know in comments!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!