November 7, 2017

Catching Up on BlizzCon

I did end up buying the virtual ticket for BlizzCon this year but because so many things were all happening that weekend (husband home for a visit, extra life, etc) I didn’t get a chance to watch a single presentation, so I followed along on twitter and picked up what tidbits I could.

First of all, I was incredibly pleased to hear that the Hogger costume won first place. I follow the creator on twitter and watching the costume process was incredible. There’s a whole lot of talent there.

Of course I heard about the new Vanilla servers – people have wanted this for ages, and I’m glad they’re going to get it. Will I play? Probably. It’s not a big deal to me though. I don’t lament for those days gone by like I did with the EQ2 progression servers. It will be something neat to check out and that’s about it.

The next expansion has been getting a fairly luke warm reception from friends in my circles, and I haven’t really decided how I feel yet. Most of them are tired of the same ‘Alliance vs. The Horde’ mentality, and would rather see something new. None of the expansion details grabbed at them like artifacts did in the past (or garrisons). I was hoping to see something big like player housing or maybe news that pet battles would be moved to mobile. New races are fun though and I’m sure I’ll make a new character or two to check them out as well as the lore behind them.

I’m enjoying my time in WoW quite a bit. I don’t get a whole lot of time to play, but I’ve been working away at those older achievements and leveling up my gnome warrior. I still prefer to play Horde, but bounce between things. It’s still quite some time before my partner in crime returns to game (3+ months) but there’s lots for me to do on my own.

Anyone else have some thoughts about the announcements? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!