You’re a 10 year old boy named Hans, and it’s your birthday. Instead of being happy for surviving another year, you’re angry at your mother because your father is off to war, and she doesn’t have any gifts or sweets for you.

So you decide to leave, in search of fame and treasure.

That’s how my experience with The Count Lucanor started out. I believe I got the game as part of a humble bundle, and I decided that I should try to play through some games that I wouldn’t normally play. I may not get very far in them, but it should make for an interesting post.

This game is a pixel rpg game, and I had no idea what to expect.

Hans set out from his home with some coin, a cane, and some cheese. He ended up finding a bone for his dog first – the start of many good deeds he thought he was doing. As he wandered away from home he gave his cane (his mother had given it to him, it was an heirloom from his grandfather) to an old woman who said she needed it. How was he supposed to know she was going to use the cane on her poor pig to whip it!

Continuing to walk along, he came to a donkey that looked like it was starving, so he fed him some apples. Then he found the donkey’s master – and the guy stole gold from Hans! He had intended on giving the guy just one gold coin but he took two of them, leaving Hans with one gold remaining. Mother did tell him not to be wasteful.

Walking even further, Hans spotted a shepherd with his goats. The shepherd was hungry, so Hans offered to give up some of his cheese. The shepherd said he had some wine he could give Hans in exchange, so they had a lovely picnic together – until Hans passed out from too much wine.

When Hans woke up.. creepy weird stuff was going on. With goats.

The shepherd was dead, his head sitting on a log, and he was surrounded by evil goats. Hans ran. He ran. He ran.

He didn’t make it.

This is a VERY weird game, but I’m enjoying it so far. We’ll have to see what adventures Hans gets to next time. Maybe he’ll hang onto that cane and try to take down the goats.

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