November 9, 2017

Dusting off the Hunter

Bouncing around from character to character is sort of my thing in World of Warcraft until something ties me down and I finally settle. Sometimes that’s a quest line I want to work on, achievements, leveling, a guild, or a friend playing with me. Since returning about a month ago I was having a difficult time deciding who I want to play. I briefly discussed it in another post, the fact that I have characters on four different servers, all different factions.

In a sporadic move, I decided to play my hunter just to see where she was at – and after a few days of wanting to play only that character, I settled into a familiar pattern. I forgot how fun it was to shoot at enemies, with a pet (while I’m by myself) or without my pets in a raid situation. I’m not sure what happened to having to level up my epic weapons, but I went from an artifact level of 12 to 51 in a single night. I know that’s not much by the current game play standard, but it was a lot for me.

Her gear was mostly blues that I obtained while leveling, so I set out to complete the world quests that gave gear for a reward. I was too low ilevel to participate in any raids so those would have to wait. Before my first evening was done I had shimmied up to ilevel 825 and could go on the first round of raids.

I didn’t win any loot from those, but it was fun to be playing DPS instead of my holy priest. I adore my priest, but I tend to play that character alongside my husband, and with him still months away from playing, there just isn’t any desire for me to play her.

I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing in game and I quite like it that way. I’m having fun bouncing around completing my smaller random quests and getting re-familiar with what was going on in Legion. I do need to work on some appearance gear, but that’s not a big deal.

Will I stick with the hunter? Honestly I’m not sure. For now she’s a fun distraction, but I really wish all of my characters were on the same server, if not the same faction.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!