January 9, 2018

Barely Gaming, But Still Gaming

With our big move just looming around the corner, almost moving onto the second trimester of my pregnancy, and watching a toddler who spends more time running around than sitting still, as you can imagine I don’t have a whole lot of extra time on my hands to do any sort of gaming, and when I do find myself with a free moment here and there, I tend to close my eyes and instantly pass out. I have been incredibly tired, plus me and my little guy are just getting over the last of a very annoying cold.

Even though I have barely any time, I do still manage to log into WoW almost every day, even just briefly. I’ve been playing the market, and working on my crafting. Sometimes I manage a little bit of fishing. Now that I have flying in Legion I don’t feel too pressured to do a great deal – though I know I have a ways to go if I want to unlock the new races that are being released. By then maybe my husband will be playing, and I am incredibly excited about that.

I’ve been trying to sell some trading card game pets for a few weeks now with no luck. I know it’s highly unlikely that someone wants to plop down 50-150k on a pet but I keep trying anyway in the hopes that one of those rare collectors will swoop down on it.

I’ve also been selling my tailored goods as I level up that skill. I picked up a bunch of quests I need to do that I wasn’t even aware were available. Sometimes tucking quests away in Suramar is a bad thing Blizzard!

I’ve also been participating in a beta that I can’t talk about for a little while yet, but it has been fun and I’m looking forward to sharing that with readers a little later this month.

It has been a really hectic time, but I’m glad for things. I might be tired, but life is pretty full. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!