January 12, 2018

2018 Ravelry Challenge

This year Ravelry has added a “challenge” section to their project page, where you can sign up for a number of projects you want to complete in a year, and then add them to your queue, assigning them a completion date of sometime in 2018. This year I added a few things to my challenge, trying to be lenient on myself due to life more than likely getting in the way.

I’ve seen a lot of people knit the rose city rollers and I am hoping they don’t take very much time. I’m determined to FINALLY learn the fish lips kiss heel that I purchased two years ago and have never managed to actually knit, and I want to get those sock scraps used up by starting a memory blanket.

Will I actually complete any of these projects? Who knows, it’s nice to have them organized and planned out though.

Making Money in WoW

I read a blog post yesterday from @sypster about how he was making money in WoW without having to play all day long and without exerting too much effort. I believe his end goal is paying for his subscription with tokens, but it got me thinking a bit. I don’t have a lot of game time and what I do have is often played with a toddler on my lap, but I wanted to optimize my own gains a bit more.

One thing mentioned right off the bat was the class hall champions. For a while I was completely drained of resources so I wasn’t even using them. Their ilevel is hovering around 850 and most are not geared or leveled. That needs to change. My alts don’t even have more than 2 champions, something else I want to work on.

I also use TSM (TradeSkillMaster) but I don’t know how to use all of the features it provides. There are some YouTube videos and tutorials I want to take a look at, it’s just a matter of finding the time.

Then there’s world quests. I’ve been neglecting to do a lot of them because I figured that the gear was not an upgrade and who wants to do a quest for 80 gold – but that gold adds up, and those purple gear rewards can be disenchanted and sold for 250 gold each (give or take a few gold). So there’s certainly methods out there I could be taking advantage of in order to get myself a larger nest egg.

What do I hope to do with mine? Well, I’d really like to buy Overwatch. I meant to pick it up when it went on sale, but completely forgot (it was Christmas after all). I’m content paying my $18.99 CAD a month for my subscription, but there are shop items I’d love to get, and little extras that tokens could make up for. It would be great to buy a few mounts or pets that I’m missing, too.

Have any other gold making tips? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!