This year Ravelry has added a “challenge” section to their project page, where you can sign up for a number of projects you want to complete in a year, and then add them to your queue, assigning them a completion date of sometime in 2018. This year I added a few things to my challenge, trying to be lenient on myself due to life more than likely getting in the way.

I’ve seen a lot of people knit the rose city rollers and I am hoping they don’t take very much time. I’m determined to FINALLY learn the fish lips kiss heel that I purchased two years ago and have never managed to actually knit, and I want to get those sock scraps used up by starting a memory blanket.

Will I actually complete any of these projects? Who knows, it’s nice to have them organized and planned out though.

One thought on “2018 Ravelry Challenge”
  1. Ooooh I hadn’t seen this addition to Ravelry. I love the idea of a challenge list to go along with my Goodreads challenge list. Your projects all look so fun, good luck!

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