My game time is precious. I don’t have a huge amount of it any more, and I don’t mind that. It has made me optimize what time I do have, and appreciate the gaming that I do. One thing I still see gamers doing to other gamers is berating them for not playing the “right” games. Talking down to them for their games of choice. I wonder how many people are playing games they truly want to play, and how many are playing due to social pressure, or even fears.

I still hop from game to game and get excited about new releases, but for the past 7 months I’ve been playing WoW quite steadily. My husband returned from 6 months at depot and started playing with me, which reinforced my desire to be in Azeroth. I’ve gotten some flack for playing and enjoying it, but I haven’t let that stop me. I don’t care what people say. I don’t care if others think the game is beneath me. I’m having fun, it’s relaxing, the world (for me) is amazing, and again my husband is playing with me, so that’s just one more hook. There are so many awesome games out there that I like to think there’s something for everyone and we don’t have to put down folks who are not interested in playing the same games as us. I don’t care if someone decides that Hello Kitty Online is their main game, more power to them.

The world is filled with some really scary things. Video games give us a moment or two to get away from that, to be a part of something magical, to suspend reality for a brief while. Lets not take that away from anyone by being negative to them about what they’re playing. We don’t have to like the same things, but we should certainly learn a bit more tolerance, in every aspect of our lives.

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