I have wanted a PS Vita for a number of years now so that I could experience awesome visual novels on the go. I do own a number of them on steam and on my PC, but reading a VN sitting at my desk is awkward and uncomfortable after some time, especially with my pregnancy.

My amazing husband surprised me with the aqua blue Japanese import on the 14th, my birthday, and a copy of Code: Realize. I was so excited! I immediately set it up, gathered together a wish list of games I want to purchase in the future (maybe one a month until I’ve caught up) and then dove head first into Code: Realize. It’s a story about a young girl who has been modified into a monster by her father. The art work is amazing, and while I’m not too far into the story yet I am certainly enjoying the writing.

I do want to get a memory card for it still, so I’ll have to be on the look out for one, but aside from that I think I’ll be set. Have any other PS Vita games you’d like to recommend as must-have? They don’t have to be VN. Just leave a comment below and happy gaming!

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