April 2018

Archaeology Added

Wurm Unlimited (and Online) continues to be one of my favourite games of all time, and I still pop in and play as often as I can. Last week brought about a fascinating update to the game, where a brand new skill was added – archaeology. Basically players run around with a trowel active and poke around at the ground. You have a chance at discovering a fragment, different types if it’s in an area where an old deed used to be.

I think this is a case of a great idea that was implemented poorly. I spent a few hours roaming around looking for fragments, then a few more hours identifying all of those fragments (you use different tools depending on the stage the fragment is at) and then more time attaching fragments together so that I could create – welp. Not much of anything. By the screenshot above you can see I have some ribbons, bricks, branches, pegs, and other bits and pieces like ore. The thing is, after spending a few hours hunting down the components to make a lump of tin, I could have taken 10 seconds and just gone and mined the same thing from my deed.

The time required to get any type of ‘good’ fragment is too dear, and because there are so many different types of fragments you can obtain, piecing together 26 of any one type is going to take you a very long time. Now, I know we don’t want everyone running around with the best of the best and I’m not saying that’s the way this should be, but it’s a really neat idea that just is not worth the time required. At least not on the unlimited servers. I have hope that our server (Sklotopolis is where I’m still at for those wondering) will add to the base features and maybe help players out a bit with some better rewards or faster skill gains because as it is now, it’s just a waste of time. Of course it could be argued that everything one does in Wurm Unlimited is a waste of time since the entire game is built around skills that take time, but this one just sounded so absolutely amazing and I was let down.

There were other features added with this update that are also pretty neat including a new ‘place’ function for putting items down on the ground specifically where you want them to go. Wood types were also re-introduced, which affects the way dye looks on items, and the ability to dye clothing that you’re wearing two tones was added. Over all, it was an amazing update, and I’m glad to see that developer work on the game continues, even if not all of the update was exactly what I was hoping for.

1 Day Late – Humpday Addon: GSE

This is a newer addon that I just started using a few weeks ago. It’s called GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanced, and what it does is allow you to create advanced macros in world of warcraft. To quote the description:

GSE allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button.  Like a /castsequence macro, it cycles through a series of commands when the button is pushed. However, unlike castsequence, it uses macro text for the commands instead of spells, and it advances every time the button is pushed instead of stopping when it can’t cast something. This means if a spell is on cooldown and you push the button it will continue to the next item in the list with each press until it reaches the end and starts over. It comes with an editor and everything you need to get started.

I’ve been using it in some lazy situations where hitting just one button is an optimal situation for me – like when I’m using my monk to farm dungeons. I bound a hotkey to my mouse button 4 (I use a Razer Deathadder mouse so I don’t have a lot of extra buttons) and when I hold it down, it will spam the number 1 from my hotbar. In the case of my monk, that’s a macro of attacks. In specific, this macro:

Sequences[‘WW_ST’] = {
— This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = “3,X,3,X,X,3,2”,
  Help = [[Set the Boss/Targeting dummy as your focus, to make sure you use touch of death. If Chi starved let go of macro for a sec, the resume.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = “Sequential”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity”,
        “/cast [nochanneling,combat,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick”,
        “/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire”,
        “/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger”,
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = “Sequential”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick”,
        “/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire”,
        “/cast [@focus, exists, harm, nodead][@boss1,exists, harm, nodead][nochanneling] Touch of Death”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger”,
    [3] = {
      StepFunction = “Sequential”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/3] Serenity”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:7/2] Whirling Dragon Punch”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick”,
        “/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/1] Chi Burst”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Wave”,
        “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/1  Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, Disable”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,talent:4/3] Leg Sweep”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling,notalent:7/3] Storm, Earth, and Fire”,
        “/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death”,
        “/cast [combat,nochanneling, talent:6/2] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger”,
Now that might look like a whole lot of goop, but it tells me everything I need to know about the macro, including things like who created it and what talents I should have in order to perform the macro properly. Once I have the macro imported in-game, I place the icon on whatever spot on my hotbar, and then when I’m running through the dungeon I hold down my mouse button to trigger it continuously.
Macros like these are completely situational, and you have to know their limits. It’s not good for emergency situations, and it won’t keep you safe. It is great when you’re just looking to mindlessly grind away at mobs without any thought. There are all sorts of different types of macros for all classes, including macros that allow you to use toys like the loot-a-rang (aoe looting at the touch of a button instead of having to click the dead mobs) and mother’s knife, a skinning item from Legion. I look at these macros as a QOL (quality of life) change to my game play. They’re not essential and they don’t teach you very much about your class or how to play but they will allow you a bit of a breather during the more relaxing times.
I honestly have not tried the macros with any of my other characters besides my monk as she’s doing all of my farming these days, but if you have experience with GSE please feel free to leave a comment below!
As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Blast From The Past – Theme Hospital

I’ve been waiting eagerly for the steam game Two Point Hospital to announce a release date, but so far all it continues to say is ‘2018’ – in a fit of nostalgia I downloaded Theme Hospital from EA, and decided to give that a whirl. I remember spending a few precious computer hours playing when I was younger, back when our family computer belonged to my Dad and us kids were lucky enough to use it here and there when it was free.

The sound track immediately took me back, and even though the resolution on the DOS emulator wasn’t exactly playing nice 20 years later, it was still a lot of fun. The graphics aren’t THAT bad for a game that age, either. Or maybe I’m just used to playing pixel games.

I had forgotten that there were levels involved and I made it to about level 4 in the short time I devoted to it, allowing VIP to tour my facilities as I worked on deflating gigantic skulls, and developing new research methods. My doctors were moderately happy with their pay (I hope…) and I provided a nice staff room complete with one sofa and a working television! Woohoo!

It was a really nice relaxing way to spend an hour or two, but in the end what I want is a newer version of the game, which I’m hoping Two Point Hospital will provide. Now if only they’d announce a release date.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

The Sad State of my Knitting

Here it is, part way through April, and I have completed a total of ONE knitting project in 2018, and that was actually started in November 2017 and finished January. One. Even in 2017 I managed 11 projects, and that was a crazy busy year doing solo parenting for six months of it. So what happened?

The move took a lot more out of me than I thought it would, especially since I was sick for two months straight. Being pregnant with my second child is taking its toll, and running after a toddler for most of the day. My fingers (and legs) have been so swollen that even typing on the keyboard brings discomfort, let alone manipulating knitting needles or crochet hooks.

The real reason though is that I just haven’t found any motivation or inspiration. I have all of this lovely yarn, and no idea what I want to knit. I was thinking of crocheting a beautiful blanket for Nug (baby #2) and got frustrated because even the most simple of crochet patterns appear to be over my head. I wish I picked it up as easily as I picked up knitting. For some reason I just can’t and it bothers me. I thought about working on some socks, quick simple knits that don’t require a whole lot of attention especially since I’ve knit quite a few pairs of socks but again, lack of motivation. I did end up knitting a few extra cotton dish cloths but I couldn’t even be bothered with updating my Ravelry project page with them.

I’m hoping my knitting mojo comes back soon. I have such beautiful yarns just waiting to be turned into something fancy. It’s still really cold (below freezing) where we live now, so it’s not a matter of warmer weather making me change my interest in knitting. It’s just a … melancholy type of mood that I just can’t figure out. Here’s hoping my needles see some action soon.

Battle for Azeroth – We Have a Release Date!

Today it was announced that Battle For Azeroth will release August 14th! That’s about a month earlier than I thought it would come out, just before kids start heading back to school. I’m due with Nug on July 27th, so I may even be able to get in some game time by then, though I imagine it will be greatly reduced hours.

There’s some preparation I’d like to do for BfA, especially since I’m sure they’ll be reducing the gold output from Order Halls. In no particular order, some of the things I want to finish off before BfA are:

  • All 6 110 alts to 950 order hall and collecting coin missions as often as possible
  • Professions all at 800 in preparation for BfA
  • Class mounts for as many characters as I can
  • Allied races unlocked
  • Level my final 2 characters to 110

Right now I’m working on the professions portion because it’s simple enough to do if I actually focus. I’ve swapped my main (again) from my priest to my monk, and I am having an absolute BLAST with the class. The monk is a character I boosted to 90 way back when and then I never touched. I leveled to 100 doing invasions, and then afterward (again) never touched. This time I’m playing windwalker (though I do have my tank and heal artifacts as well) and I just can’t express what a great time I’m having. I feel like I’m actually contributing to groups, and it’s fairly stress-free since I’m not playing a healer (the class I typically play). I’m not 100% sure if I’ll stick with her as a main in BfA, we’ll have to see – but for now I’m having a great time.

The two remaining characters that have yet to reach 110 are my shaman and my warlock, neither of which I am that keen on playing. I currently have:

  • Monk – Engineering / Inscription
  • Paladin – Alchemy / Herbalism
  • Druid – Mining / Herbalism
  • Priest – Tailor / Enchanting
  • Priest #2 – Skinning / Mining
  • Hunter – Skinning / Leatherworking

Then the two pre-110 characters

  • Shaman – Mining / Jewelcrafting
  • Warlock – Engineering / Blacksmithing

The only profession I have at 800 is skinning on my 2nd priest, and everyone else is hovering in the 600-700 ranges so it’s a pretty big goal of mine to get them done. Rumor is it will be harder to level up professions through the older tiers, so I really want to be able to focus on the new content.

What are you going to be focusing on for BfA? Any plans in the works? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!