Legacy Family 3.0 – Part One
Blesse Petites. That’s the name of my latest legacy challenge founder. She wants to paint, is naturally good, loves being a goofball and started her legacy with zero coin and just an old ancient statue that an uncle left to her in his will.
Her first day was spent at a nearby park, cooking hotdogs and sleeping on the benches. She found a job that pays barely anything and collected a few rocks and some flowers to sell. To who, I have no idea. Random rock collectors I suppose.
She tried to make some friends but it sure didn’t help that she was almost immediately sprayed by a skunk. Instead she spent her time talking with the stray cats and dogs that seem to frequent the area.
She has a large piece of land (64×64) that she hopes to build a home on – eventually. Working a few days gave her enough coin to purchase a bed, toilet, microwave, fridge, and a lonely bar stool. She can at least stop living at the gym and parks even though the neighbours find her sense of style a bit.. disturbing.
It won’t always be this way. At least, that’s what she keeps telling herself.