Sales have started to pick up a little bit, and the price of tokens continues to drop (it’s almost dropped below 140k at the time of this post) as people return to game and buy tokens for real world money in exchange for in-game gold. I picked up a few new tokens myself, stashing the bnet balance away for a rainy day.

I haven’t gotten to play very much, my monk (the character I decided to level) is sitting at a comfortable 113. I expect that getting one level a day (for now) is a pretty ambitious goal for me, and I’m content with it. In the meantime I browse the auction house looking for deals. I did manage to level my inscription to 90/150 but even that is pretty slow going. Engineering will take some time because the cost of ore is absolutely insane on my server (it’s 10k for 100) but I expect it should get better over time or I’ll just go out and harvest it myself in the future.

How are you spending your BFA time? Let me know in comments! Also, no spoilers, but the story has been fantastic. I am a huge fan of the opening cinematics.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One thought on “BfA Sales”
  1. I’m always so jealous of your AH income. I spent down a bunch of my savings to buy a few months of subscription, and I’ve been too busy leveling to worry about goldmaking beyond selling a few raw materials. Now I have even farther to go to afford that dinosaur mount!

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