September 15, 2018

Following Friends

I don’t always follow friends around from game to game (especially since some of us jump around pretty frequently) but every so often I’ll find myself getting drawn into the hype – and Guild Wars 2 is one such game that seems to pull at me.

The Combat Wombats have decided to start running GW2 guild events on Fridays, led by the amazing Pixel_One who streams the happenings. I’m usually tied down by baby and toddler so I can’t make them or I get called away from them, but last night I found myself in a baby-free zone and I was able to participate in a fractal with the group.

Listening to discord was hilarious and I’m pretty sure I fell off of every platform there was to fall off of, but I had an absolute great time and it was a reminder about how much more fun these types of games can be if you’re playing with a group of friends.

I’ve known most of the members of CW for 8+ years now, but we still like to grow and embrace gamers who are into positivity and being chill. If you’re a streamer it’s another bonus, whether you’re into watching streams or doing them yourself. We have ‘The Wombattery’ discord set up for anyone who wants to promote a friendly and inclusive environment and if you’re interested in joining you can let any of us old time wombats know and we’ll send you an invite (twitter, this post, whatever).

In the meantime, I need to work on unlocking the mounts on my GW2 account, and maybe see about crafting a legendary. It’s a nice break from World of Warcraft but I’m certainly not giving that game up either.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!