December 2018

2019 Resolutions

It’s still 2018 at the time of writing this, but I figured I’d jot down a few goals just to motivate myself. Sure, there are statistics about how frequent resolutions are broken – but I work great with lists, and I love feeling inspired. A brand new year is never a bad thing. I’m also not sad to see 2018 go, it has been a difficult one as me and my family transitioned to a new province, new job, new house, new city (and new baby).

There are some goals I’d like to accomplish in the next year, but if I don’t, that’s OK too. In no order:

  1. Lose the baby weight (approx 40 lbs to lose)
  2. Get back to fiber arts (knitting, spinning)
  3. Blog more (especially my book blog)
  4. Do more for me (I’m constantly taking care of everyone else, self care is not a thing in my world)
  5. Stream
  6. Keep my agoraphobia under control (through medication/therapy/whatever is needed)
  7. Be more present for friends & family

The last one is especially important to me. After having a baby you sort of lose touch with the entire world because this little being requires every ounce of your attention, and they depend on you for every single moment of their life. My girl is 5 months old now, my boy is 2 and a bit, and I’m hoping that I’ll have some ‘me’ time or some ‘free’ time as they continue to gain a bit of independence. We’ll see how that goes, for now my smallest isn’t sleeping through the nights and only sleeps for 2h stretches, so it has been a long 5 months to say the least.

I’m confident I can lose the baby weight. I lost over 70lbs just last year before I got pregnant. I’m looking forward to getting to my pre-pregnancy weight. I don’t consider it a failure if I don’t make it, but I do want to at least put in the effort and see what I can do.

Blogging, well. We’ll see how that goes. I have yarn posts I’d like to make, and I have an entire other site for books – I’d like to try to catch up on the books I haven’t posted about. I did read 30 of them this year after all. Can I do it? I can if I make the time.

In most cases it’s not that I have zero time – it’s that by the time I get to the 1-2 hours of free time I have, I am so absolutely spent from life in general and being needed 24/7 that I am too tired to do much of anything, so I check sales, browse games, read a bit, watch half a show, and go to bed only to repeat it all the next day.

Anyway, here’s to 2019. May it be better than 2018 in every way.

A Tale of Two Deeds – Part Two – Liberty

Liberty has always been my home in Wurm Unlimited, but after two and a half years at the same location I decided it was time for a change. I moved to Novus and settled into a great deed there created by Barefoot, but I still wanted to have a place over on Liberty. Once again I took to the forums, this time offering a set of dragon scale armour as payment to whoever took on the contract. I had a few offers, but eventually hired Takah, a well known housing developer. She had created a few popular buildings, including a lovely tavern I had seen previously at a rift event.

Takah’s work is nothing short of absolutely stunning. She began early in the day, making light chatter with me as she went about her planning. I gave wide berth and let her make most of the decisions as I did with the first deed, but kept some control over necessary buildings. After a week she had designed an absolutely stunning masterpiece. It was enough to encourage me to stay on Liberty full time, passing my Novus deed to Minxes, my alt. This new waterfront home leaves me speechless every single time I look at it.

A miniature village that leaves nothing to be desired, this town comes with impressive hanging bridges to take in every view.

Now I’m able to customize the deed to my preference and decorate to my hearts content. Just because Wurm allows you to build from scratch doesn’t mean you HAVE to enjoy that aspect of it. Life is too short to spend it doing something you don’t enjoy. Hiring Barefoot and Takah to create my deeds for me so that I can enjoy my time in Wurm is absolutely one of the best decisions I ever made, and I’m so thankful that others out there enjoy that aspect of the game, so that I can continue on with what I enjoy.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


I was gifted this game from my girlfriend Arislyn, and oh my goodness is it a lot of fun – in a really slow paced, idle game way.

Equilinox is an incredibly relaxing game. You’re in charge of creating your own ecosystem and raising the wildlife. You can evolve creatures and unlock exotic plants and animals, creating different biomes. The game works as an idle game because you earn DP which is used to spend on evolution. The longer the game runs, the more you earn. The soundtrack is calm, and everything is a nice slow pace.

You start by making some grassland. You can evolve that grass into wheat. Chickens can evolve into ducks. You can unlock guinea pigs by creating woodland. It all progresses and flows together, each step affecting the next. You can have mutations such as the pink trees pictured above, and for your creatures to thrive you need to learn what they need in their particular habitat.

It’s not an especially hands on game, but sometimes that’s exactly what I need. I just want to relax, maybe watch something on netflix, while my ecosystem takes care of itself. If you like games like this I highly suggest you check it out in the steam store.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

A Tale of Two Deeds Part One – Novus

For those who know me in Wurm Unlimited, you know that I have never been the greatest fan of building deeds. I used to, long ago, but I’ve been playing this game for many (many) years now and I just don’t find the same thrill in it. What I have done for the past few years and my preferred method, is to buy a completed deed that has everything I want. 

In Wurm Unlimited this is sometimes difficult to do, as everyone I’ve met enjoys building up their own places and are reluctant to part with them. What I did instead was post a WTB post, and hire willing players to build the deeds for me, giving them complete control over pretty much every aspect – with a short shopping list of what I deemed requirements. 

The deed pictured above is my home on Novus, a newer server with a higher population. It sports an amazing cottage with working kitchen, a nice workshop, storage area, and many animal pens. The whole deed is surrounded by maple trees (my favourite) and has lots of room for animals. It also has a sizeable mine. I originally wanted the deed built for my Fo priests, but decided to keep it for my main character, Stargrace, instead. Barefoot took on the challenge of building it for me, and I’m so thankful he did. 

I love owning completed deeds. Then I can focus on what I enjoy doing – crafting, working skills, breeding animals. In the past I would do a lot of exploring but my time these days is limited, so I haven’t done as much of that. 

clay and peat area being built 
A look into the main area as it was being built 
Temple area, and a view of the stables 

Christmas in Wurm Unlimited

This year I decided I would run a secret santa event on Sklotopolis for Christmas, and I had 40 participants sign up – I’m so excited! I’m hoping for unique and thoughtful gifts for everyone, and I hope everyone has a lot of fun with it. Little did I know that one of the first people who would receive a secret santa gift would actually be me!

My alliance got together and painstakingly gathered up four champion trolls (two breeding pairs) and hitched them to a beautiful wagon that Elfin created. a kind GM gifted me one of the skins of my choosing as a thank you, and the alliance filled the wagon with goodies, and left it on my deed. Taka, who is at my Liberty deed currently building on the property, contacted me and told me she needed me to log in to help with something. I figured it was placement of a bridge or something like that. I had no idea it was to reveal the champion trolls pulling a wagon!

To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I was absolutely floored. The thoughtfulness my Liberty alliance displayed was amazing and completely unexpected. Elfin thanked me for being such a staple to the community (I’ve only been playing on Sklotopolis for 2.5 years now…) and I am pretty sure I turned beet red. I am just another player, and while the community IS key to me, I don’t think I’m anything special. I just absolutely love the server (and the palyers). This generous gift is one more reason why.