December 26, 2018


I was gifted this game from my girlfriend Arislyn, and oh my goodness is it a lot of fun – in a really slow paced, idle game way.

Equilinox is an incredibly relaxing game. You’re in charge of creating your own ecosystem and raising the wildlife. You can evolve creatures and unlock exotic plants and animals, creating different biomes. The game works as an idle game because you earn DP which is used to spend on evolution. The longer the game runs, the more you earn. The soundtrack is calm, and everything is a nice slow pace.

You start by making some grassland. You can evolve that grass into wheat. Chickens can evolve into ducks. You can unlock guinea pigs by creating woodland. It all progresses and flows together, each step affecting the next. You can have mutations such as the pink trees pictured above, and for your creatures to thrive you need to learn what they need in their particular habitat.

It’s not an especially hands on game, but sometimes that’s exactly what I need. I just want to relax, maybe watch something on netflix, while my ecosystem takes care of itself. If you like games like this I highly suggest you check it out in the steam store.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!