PC Woes

I’ve been saying I’ll get back into streaming for a while now. Set up at our new place, our schedule is a bit flexible since my husband does shift work, but I wanted to eek out some time here and there to get a stream in. Unfortunately, the issues I had with my PC kept expanding and it seemed like no matter what I would do, I couldn’t fix them or narrow down the problem.

It started out simple enough. I had the movers take my computer tower, but they didn’t insulate it or even wrap it up. They just tossed it into a box along with a bunch of my son’s toys. The travel was in -40C weather for two weeks, and I completely forgot that this could have an adverse effect on my water cooling system.

When I started up my computer after the move I was experiencing some serious lag. I would lag while gaming, I would lag while typing. I ran memory tests and disk drive tests but everything came back normal. This marked the beginning. I upgraded the CPU, the motherboard, and the RAM. I reinstalled windows. My lag was cured and I could game again but then other oddities started to happen.

Once every two days or so I would have a BSOD, and a dump file would fail to be created to give me more details. I’d have random video game crashes that referenced memory, and a few other variety of crashes. I was getting a message about my CPU fan and PC temperatures but I didn’t understand why because what I could physically see was all fans working. I installed a program to monitor the temperature and found that all 6 cores would boot up at 85C and then if I did anything at all, they’d jump to 100C and stay there. Well, that wasn’t good.

I was also experiencing an odd bug of white noise when my mic was on mute. I had no idea where it was coming from.

So I got a new fan and heat sink, then my husband bought me a new fan for my case with fancy LED lights. All of that was installed and the temperature warnings stopped – but the BSOD did not. The white noise when my mic was muted also went away.

When I opened the case to install the case fan, I was unable to get windows running. It kept telling me that a component couldn’t be reached and that I should hit escape or F8. Neither of those did anything. I popped in my USB stick that has a media file of windows 10 and tried to repair, that wouldn’t work.

I decided that my SSD was probably the culprit, and I removed the SSD. I tried to install Windows to one of my two remaining drives, but the USB version of windows was also corrupted (even though it was brand new and I had just used it the previous week) – so I had to make a new media file. THEN I installed windows.

That was two days ago, and so far I have had zero issues. Of course right now I’m keeping things incredibly bare bones, I have discord, WoW, and that’s about it. I wanted to make sure the computer ran well for a few days before I started installing other things like xsplit.

This whole ordeal has taught me a few things, like next time we move I’ll be taking my computer with me. Thankfully our items are covered by our movers and I can get reimbursed, but spending a month trying to troubleshoot these issues has been a real pain. I’ve had multiple good friends helping me out, offering advice, providing tech support and showing me what tests to run – for that I am grateful. I’m not a very tech savvy person but I’m a quick learner and I like to think I can at least handle the basics of my own PC.

Now that it appears things are finally solved – lets get to streaming!

So. Much. To. Do (so little time)

Even though I’ve been playing WoW steadily for almost a year, I still feel incredibly behind and there’s always something to work on. This is a short list of what I hope to accomplish, and things I want to get done in the near future.

  1. Argus campaign on all of my 110 characters (so far this is only completed on 1/5)
  2. Order hall campaign on my main
  3. Class mount on my main
  4. Rank 3 on legion crafters
  5. 800 in all professions
  6. 800 in all secondary professions on my main
  7. Champions tp 950 on all of my 110 characters
  8. 101 twink alt for fun (decide on a class)
  9. Remove the level 2 rogue that I was using for sales, and shift sales to a main character
  10. Order of the Serpent faction
  11. Faction for allied races

There’s a few other things I’d really like to do, and I’m sure I’ll switch things around (for example I’d like my druid to drop inscription, my warlock to pick it up, and my druid to pick up mining instead) as time goes on, but those are the main things. The top of the list is the one I’d most like to accomplish but it depends on how long I can stomach Argus for. I love the final zone of the three, but the first two always feel like a slog to me, I just don’t enjoy the story or the zones themselves.

What are you working on in game? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Expanding my Gold Making Empire

Flipping items and selling battle pets has been kind to me over the past three months, but I wanted to expand a bit and explore other options. I’ve been hanging out in the WoWeconomy discord for a few weeks and I’ve picked up some really amazing tips that I’ve been trying out on my home server (the one I actively play on). Flipping and battle pets don’t do well on that server, so I have a second server for those sales – it was time for me to find out what DID sell. Every server has SOMETHING that sells.

The first thing I did was purchase a handful of lemon herb filet recipes, using one for myself. The fish were going for 7g – but the food was going for 246g each, so for a 14g cost I was raking in profit. I bought 7 recipes for 25 fish each, and sold them for 4-7,000 gold. I have only sold two so far, I’ve been spacing them out so as to not flood the market. Now that the Darkmoon Fair is over for this month, those prices will go up. I’m the only one selling the food on my server (for now). They’re not fast movers, but they do move. I’ve also been selling bear tartare, which is a fantastic food for doing old dungeon runs and other types of farming as it gives you a speed boost.

Listening to the goblins in discord taught me some pretty important things about crafting which I had not realized before. Things like unique profession combinations that work together. Other terms that they used was ‘craft swap’ which is just a fancy way of flipping.

This is what I focused on next. I mined ghost iron ore with my warlock who is still level 100. Then I turned that ore into bars. I traded those bars to my alchemist who turns them into trillium, and then takes that trillium and transmutes it into living steel. I have two recipes for living steel, one is a daily and one can be used multiple times a day but has a secondary component – spirits of harmony.

My alchemist has the transmute special, so on occasion I can proc between 1-3 living steel for each combine. Living steel sells for 2600-3500 each piece. I ended up creating 26 pieces. That’s almost 70,000 gold if they were all to sell. Why are players still looking for these items? They’re used in a handful of crafted mounts. I don’t happen to have the recipes for the mounts, but I do like supplying others!

The spirits of harmony are probably the hardest things to get. They sell for 375g each, and my husband happened to have 100 of them stockpiled from Pandaria days which REALLY helped me out. Even using three of them the profit of turning them into living steel was incredible. I used half, and am selling the other half. The “best” way to farm these spirits at the moment is to enter Heart of Fear and clear the first hallway and up to the first boss (but don’t kill the first boss) then loot and re-set the instance. You can enter 10 instances an hour account wide, and it takes approximately 2 minutes to clear. You get between 9-15 motes per run, which is almost a full spirit. Farming is slow, but it’s still one of the best methods.

I also ended up prospecting 1200 kyparite that was collecting dust in the bank. These prospect into the gems required for the jewel craft panther mounts. When all was said and done, I made 50k in the past two days, but I haven’t sold the 26 living steel pieces yet (those I just created this morning) so I should get quite a bit more (hopefully).

It’s not a perfect system and still needs some work and I’d like to keep branching out as I figure out what sells and what doesn’t on this server, but for now it’s nice to be making some decent money. My WoW account is paid until May 9th, and I’m hoping to earn enough to keep that going. Having two separate servers that I’m working from is a bit of a pain as my income is split, but one server or the other should be able to earn the required amount in the proper amount of time.

Of course there’s also the easy methods of making money like class halls, but I haven’t finished (or even started) Argus on everyone for that to be profitable. Only one of my 110 characters has it completed. I’ll get there. Eventually.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Old raids, Old Dungeons, and the Argus Campaign

One of my favourite things to do in WoW is to go through old dungeons and raids that I’ve never been able to complete before on heroic and mythic levels for the achievements. This week my husband had three days off after an incredibly long work week, so while I had intended on diving into some Overwatch instead I stuck with him and we explored some Pandaria and Draenor raids. We earned a fair share of appearance gear, and of course got some great achievements on the way. I broke 13k achievement points (a useless value, but nice to see) and also got a few new battle pets.

I also spent some time in the darkmoon faire which runs until next week. I did the crafting quests to boost my crafts by 5, and I spent the rest of my time fishing for Darkmoon Daggermaw. I bought a new pet, toy, and some recipes using those and turned the rest into food to sell on the auction house. Sales have been slow but steady, I’ve got about 30-40k on each of the servers I sell on. I’m thinking of cutting down one server, it’s easier for me to monitor two than it is for me to try three. At this rate I’m not sure I’ll be able to earn enough for the next month of WoW, and I’m glad it’s not essential that I do – though it is certainly nice. We’ll just have to see if sales pick up or if I can find a new corner of the market to make a little niche in.

I would also like to level up more of my battle pets. I have been selling off some of my more rare pets, and while I don’t necessarily think that has been a mistake it does make me think I should pay more attention to the pets I DO have. Especially since I have some pretty awesome pet mods that make leveling and creating a list of pets to level pretty easy. I have over 300 that are not level 25 yet. Whewps.

All in all, I’ve just been having a great time playing WoW with my husband. I’m still trying to get through the Argus campaign, I am NOT a fan of Argus, but I can feel the end coming closer and that brings me a bit of comfort, lol.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Continuing in Eco with the Combat Wombats

The Combat Wombats have set up a dedicated Eco server, we even have a group on steam for those on-server so we can post important announcements and server changes. Scopique has been adding a few mods to the server and even working on some projects of his own that will hopefully improve the quality of life as time goes on. Meanwhile, we haven’t destroyed the planet too much, yet. I think a lot of that is due to the dedication of Arkenor, who has created a sanctuary for our rice fields along with a doomsday bank of all types of seeds. He also repopulated the trees that we all cut down our first day. Having a player like this on your Eco server is incredibly fortuitous and I hope he knows how much he is appreciated.

It’s not just Arkenor though that makes this server a place where we can live for days to come. There’s Moumix who built roads so we can stop trampling the grounds, Scopique who built a kiln and created our town hall (which is amazing, might I add), arislyn who is a cooking fiend and tries to fill all of our stomachs with delicious foods, Hampooj the tailor who outfitted me with an awesome backpack that reduces my calories spent, CakedCrusader who is a jack of all trades and helps out by placing a lot of contracts for bits and bobs, and of course the rest of our Eco players who provide in their own ways, Werit, Phoenix, and Stropp. I believe we have one or two others who haven’t made it onto the server yet but who do plan on playing. If you’re interested, drop one of the core Combat Wombats a message (myself, Scopique, or Arislyn) and we’ll see about getting you set up.

Someone asked in discord today if the game had staying power – well, it IS in early access, so there’s some features missing and it’s not as robust a game as I hope it will become over time, but there’s still a lot to do and I’m enjoying myself quite a bit. Of course it’s only the first week and we’ll have to see how things go as time goes on, but I think it has incredible potential and I’m happy to hang in there while it progresses.

That being said – yesterday I FINALLY researched my lumber book, one of the final books I need to specialize down the carpenter line. It will cost me 50(!) points to train so I’m working on stocking up my store, making my house more of a home, and filling out contract requests while I wait for those points to tick. I have 32 of them right now so I’ll probably get it either late today, or early tomorrow, depending. I also picked up tailoring, which means I can make some pretty items for my home. The more specialties you select the more costly they become, so we’ll see what I end up with.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!