Barely Gaming, But Still Gaming

With our big move just looming around the corner, almost moving onto the second trimester of my pregnancy, and watching a toddler who spends more time running around than sitting still, as you can imagine I don’t have a whole lot of extra time on my hands to do any sort of gaming, and when I do find myself with a free moment here and there, I tend to close my eyes and instantly pass out. I have been incredibly tired, plus me and my little guy are just getting over the last of a very annoying cold.

Even though I have barely any time, I do still manage to log into WoW almost every day, even just briefly. I’ve been playing the market, and working on my crafting. Sometimes I manage a little bit of fishing. Now that I have flying in Legion I don’t feel too pressured to do a great deal – though I know I have a ways to go if I want to unlock the new races that are being released. By then maybe my husband will be playing, and I am incredibly excited about that.

I’ve been trying to sell some trading card game pets for a few weeks now with no luck. I know it’s highly unlikely that someone wants to plop down 50-150k on a pet but I keep trying anyway in the hopes that one of those rare collectors will swoop down on it.

I’ve also been selling my tailored goods as I level up that skill. I picked up a bunch of quests I need to do that I wasn’t even aware were available. Sometimes tucking quests away in Suramar is a bad thing Blizzard!

I’ve also been participating in a beta that I can’t talk about for a little while yet, but it has been fun and I’m looking forward to sharing that with readers a little later this month.

It has been a really hectic time, but I’m glad for things. I might be tired, but life is pretty full. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Vrykul Story, Bro

I did it. I managed to kick and claw and pull my way through the 11 story lines of Suramar and I got them completed. The final task I have in order to fly in Legion is finishing the story line in Stormheim – and honestly at this point I’m just glad to be out of Suramar. That zone took forever and while parts of it were interesting I spent a whole lot of time playing fetch for elves which really got old.

So I have a bit more to go and then I’ll be able to fly. This whole process has been so that I could start working on some alts and leveling them up to 110. I want to be able to fly with my characters, it just makes things so much more enjoyable and comfortable.

Last night I was going to start my adventures (New Years Eve) but alas, as soon as 8pm rolled around my eyes started to close. I have been under the weather with a particularly horrible chest infection so I decided to call it an early night and went to bed. Thankfully Llama Bean let me sleep in until 4am instead of getting up at his usual 3am. Now he’s happily eating cheerios and watching some Paw Patrol so I can make this blog post.

Anyway. I’m excited to FINALLY be able to fly. I feel like in comparison to past expansions the faction grind was the easier part of this task, I’ve had the Broken Isle Diplomat for some time now. The armies of Legionfall faction was a pain but not too difficult, and the Suramar zone was the place I spent the most amount of time trying to complete because I never completed it when I was a fresh 110, but skipped on to newer content. Hopefully Stormheim doesn’t take me quite as long.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!