Daily Mailbox Shenanigans!

Not many sales this day, but I did sell a pattern and two medallions which of course add up! It’s not always about getting multiple hundreds of thousands of gold a day, especially if you’re only playing for a few minutes here and there between other happenings. Still, gold growth is gold growth, right? I’m still holding out hope that things pick up at the release of BfA. We’ll just have to see.

More Daily Sales

Netherweave bags continue to be a daily seller, if only the price was a bit higher.. still, it adds up over time. I also sold a few pets, finally, yay! Pets are slow sellers and my supply isn’t that large but I’m working on it.

Medallion of the legion is still a great seller if you can buy them for cheap and then flip them – and there’s even a transmog in there!

Admitting Defeat

We’re into August now, and my posts for the month including Blaugust posts have been pretty sparse. Turns out I was too ambitious in my desires for this month, and I have to admit defeat. First of all, as much as I LOVE the idea of 365 days of creativity, I just can’t do it. I’m healing from my c-section, nursing every 2h, and raising my 22 month old which leaves maybe 1h a day of “mommy time” when I’m not trying to get some sleep/a shower/food. I don’t expect this to change for the next few weeks (months?). Then there was Blaugust, which I signed up for as a mentor. I feel so remote and distant from everyone else who is happily chattering away on discord, sharing their posts and motivating each other to get the blog stuff done (and podcasts, and all sorts of neat other stuff). I just can’t do it.

Add to it the postpartum depression I’ve been trying to deal with, and I simply can’t. My plate is full, I’m out of spoons, and life is just too hard right now.

I’ll try to keep posting here and there when I can because it’s therapeutic to get my thoughts out, but I’m officially admitting defeat to taking on tasks for the rest of the year, and if you don’t see me around twitter/discord/etc much, well, you know why.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

August Sales – Day 2

Tiger fang inscription items seem to be selling pretty well, along with my ever reliable netherweave bags. Someone actually re-set the market from 5g to 75g, but I am pretty sure they’ll go back down to 5g before the day is out. Hopefully I sell a few at the re-set market price first, I’d like to ride that as long as I can. There are three people who actively sell netherweave bags on my server, and they’re constantly undercutting one another. I just price mine once a day, and I seem to sell out, so I’m happy with that. The big seller of the day was a scepter that I looted in a burning crusade farm, I’m not sure how long ago I looted it but it was a nice sale to wake up to.