January 9, 2019

Gaming Schedules

I make it no secret that my life runs by schedules. In order to help keep my agoraphobia under control there are days where I have to schedule the most mundane tasks to keep myself moving through the day. Not all days are like that, but they happen. It’s no big deal to me to schedule what games I’m playing because it helps keep me focused. I like to wander (I consider myself a nomadic gamer) and I could potentially spend all of my free time trying to think about what to play, rather than actually playing.

I created the schedule above for this week to help me spread out the games I am / want to play, and keep me focused. I have my comfort games, my misc games, the flavour of the month, and on Wednesdays I have a wildcard game. What that means is I’ve exported my steam game list to a google sheet, and I’m using RNG to decide on a game from my library to play. I have (at the time of this post) 367 steam games. I bet I haven’t even played 100 of those games thanks to discounts and humble bundles. I want to change that, and I don’t want it to be overwhelming so I’m starting with one day a week. Maybe I’ll find a gem.

The RNG rules are pretty simple. If it’s a game I’ve played before I’ll re-roll. I don’t have to play it for a specified amount of time, but I should make at least a solid one hour effort. Maybe I’ll find something new I enjoy. I tend to play games that are seated deeply within my comfort zone – and I want to change that.

Schedules can be flexible. If I don’t play the games in the schedule that’s fine, nothing wrong with that. It’s just meant as a fence to help guide me during moments of blindness, if that makes sense. So I don’t just wander down the side of a mountain for an hour straight before all my gaming time is gone.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!